Kate returns to public with King Charles, the Kingdom hopes – News

Kate returns to public with King Charles, the Kingdom hopes – News
Kate returns to public with King Charles, the Kingdom hopes – News

A day of rebirth, or at least a day of hope, for those – in the United Kingdom and around the world – who care about the destinies or even just the human events of the British royal family.

This is the scenario in which the popular celebration of Trooping the Color took place in London, the celebration of the official (non-registered) birthday of the reigning sovereign: a more heartfelt symbolic anniversary than usual – against the backdrop of recent health problems and the unknowns that remain open – for the image of 75-year-old King Charles III; but above all for the return to public, after more than six months, of Kate, Princess of Wales: struggling like her father-in-law with the specter of the most feared evil, cancer, diagnosed to both of them (in general shock) between January and February.

Under a typically English sky, and in keeping with the context, the event unfolded between the initial tones of a leaden grey, resulting in torrential rain at times, and a few glimpses of sunshine interpreted at the epilogue by the most optimistic as of a finally positive omen.

To know more Kate-returns-to-public-with-King-Charles ANSA Agency A light at the end of the tunnel, Kate returns to public – Europe – Ansa.it After 6 months of nightmare. ‘But I’m not out of danger yet’ (ANSA)

The key moment, that of relief that is not definitive, struck at 11 local time. When “Princess Catherine” reappeared in the eyes of the country for the first time in a public event since Christmas Day 2023. To attend with her husband William, heir to the throne of the House of Windsor, and their three children, Prince George, Charlotte and Louis, at the traditional royal birthday parade. As he surprisingly announced yesterday, in a touching message posted on social media in which he informed the country that he was “better”, without hiding the fact that he still had months of battle against the disease ahead of him before a hoped-for full return to normality: a battle made up of “good days and bad days, as anyone who faces chemotherapy knows”, he added, confessing that in this “difficult” time he had to “learn” the virtue of “patience in the face of uncertainty”.

Something that today could be read on her impeccable face, as was not lost on the thousands of subjects crowded together on the short journey between Buckingham Palace and the large square of Horse Guards Parade to pay tribute to the royal procession, to His Majesty King Charles and to the inseparable Queen Camilla, but above all to her – a popular reference image for the future of the monarchy – full applause.

Video Kate reappears in public, at Buckingham Palace for the ‘Trooping the Colour’ parade

A refrain repeated in the various phases of a celebration that the designated protagonist of the celebrations, who returned to work for over a month in the wake of an apparently more linear oncological course, seemed willingly to share with his 42-year-old daughter-in-law: even thinner than usual, in elegant silhouette of a white dress with black edges, but radiant in its impeccable allure, as if almost nothing had happened in recent months. She was framed as much and more than the sovereign in the carriage lined up behind the royal one and sought again by all eyes during the evolutions of the Royal Guard departments in honor of the monarch between marches and cannon volleys.
To then take center stage again, to the right of a smiling and moved king, in the symbolic final greeting to the people from the balcony of Buckingham Palace. Final act of the day which saw Carlo talking intensely with both her and Camilla, while next to them William tried to keep little Louis, 6 years old, at bay, who remained close to his mother the whole time with his irrepressible kindness; and the other royals present, the only “active” senior members of the house, were graciously surrounding.
A scene greeted from below by the shouts of good wishes addressed by many voices “to our future queen”, as well as by the invocation “God save the king”. Then the eyes raised upwards to observe, thanks to a providential flash of clear sky, the homage in low flight, above the postcard of London and above the building, of the Red Arrows of the RAF aerobatic team, with the red trail , white and blue in the colors of the Union Jack. Accompanied by the sound of the national anthem (God Save the King), after the exit onto the balcony was preceded by the unexpected notes of a famous American song, (Somewhere) Over the Rainbow: echoed, as an invocation to hope , just as someone spotted a rainbow in the clouds.

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