France, Republicans in chaos: split over the agreement with Le Pen. And Ciotti closes the office. Macron launches the “federation against extremism”

“Since Sunday, the masks are falling. It is a proof of truth.” Word of Emmanuel Macronopening his press conference in Paris: “You can see the difference between those who defend the own interests and those who defend the common ones”, added the French president who met the press at the height of the election campaign for the elections that he himself has summoned for the June 30th. But the most tense situation is that concerning the Republican party. After the announcement by the party president, Eric Ciottito open to aalliance with Marine Le Pen And Jordan Bardellawas summoned by secretary one top management meeting de Les Républicainsin controversy with their president: in response Ciotti decided to close the party headquarters. Despite the closure, an extraordinary executive office of the party is meeting at the Social Museum, a research center that stands 500 meters from the headquarters of the party. Among the first to arrive on site were some senior party leaders, from Valerie Pecresse to Gérard Larcher, to Laurent Wauquiez. The deputy Aurélien Pradié, among the most aggressive to the point of calling for a forceful evacuation of Ciotti from his office this morning, declared that “there is nothing normal anymore” in this situation: “We have until Sunday for the investiture commission – he added – we will all call an ambulance, including Jordan Bardella, to get him out of that office”. “There is no place for traitors, for coup plotters,” said the president of the Ile-de-France region, Valérie Pecresse. For Xavier Bertrand, Ciotti “does not have a sense of honor, but that of betrayal. And we understood that he doesn’t even have a sense of courage.”

Chaos in the party – The situation risks degenerating, the party is in chaos. The meeting called at 3pm by the party’s general secretary, Annie Genevardwould be aimed at removing Ciotti: the vast majority of those elected, including the leaders of the movement, wish in fact on this occasion remove it from the position of party president following his declarations of an alliance with the far right. Éric Ciotti will not only not participate in the political office of the Républicains, as stated in a statement in which he contests the failure to respect the procedures, but he has also decided to close the party headquarters. He has been tidyin fact, to all employees to leave at noonaccording to what he learns Le Parisien: “He went crazyI’m staying,” said a senior party employee level. According to experts, the political office will not be able to dismiss Ciotti in his absence, but could exclude him and collect his card of adherent. One last taboo, that of the alliance with the right, which Ciotti has brought down, also risking splitting the EPP in Europe.

Ciotti: “Venue closed due to threats” – And the Republican president spoke on X: “I’m hearing a lot ruminations on the closure of the LR headquarters. I made this decision following threats received“, Ciotti said. “I have to ensure the safety of the staff,” he continued, adding that “no meeting was ever scheduled at the headquarters this afternoon.”

The “federation against extremism” – Meanwhile from Paris, Emmanuel Macron proposes a “project federation” with all the political exponents who “they do not recognize themselves in the extremist fever” and that “they can work to build, govern France, for the Republic”. Macron points the finger at the leader of Les Républicains (LR), Éric Ciotti, who has made it known that he hopes for an alliance with the Rassemblement National: “The republican right, or at least the one who leads it, has just allied himself with the far right, and I say far right when talking about the Rassemblement National. The right, therefore, and all those who followed the president of the Republicans, Mr. Ciotti, thus turned their backs in just a few hours on thelegacy of General De GaulleOf Jacques Chirac and of Nicolas Sarkozy“, reiterated the French president.

Macron: “Political situation required dissolution” – Macron made it known that after the results of the European elections, the landslide victory of Le Pen’s extreme right and the political situation “the political situation required a dissolution”, adding that “only the dissolution allows things to be clarified”. For Macron the majority of him must “go to dialogue with personalities and forces that are not part of it today“, hypothesizing an expansion of the government to include moderate forces and accused the left-wing radicals of La France Insoumise of having “created constant” and “worrying” disorder in the Assemblée Nationale, making “the action less legible and preventing the construction of stable coalitions”. In the press conference the president declared that two extreme blockswhether far right or left, represent a risk of “impoverishment” for the country, for this reason he appeals to all those who have “known how to say no to extremes”.

No resignations – Macron also reiterates that he excludes a step backwards: “It’s absurd that I’m resigning“, said the French president, excluding the possibility of his resigning from office in the event of defeat in the legislative elections. “The (presidential) elections ed) were held in 2022 and the mandate assigned is five years. There’s no doubt about it“. The French president also announced that he will not “campaign”. for the legislative elections” and will not hold any debate with Marine Le Pen.

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