Voting in Europe: exit polls from EU countries live

Voting in Europe: exit polls from EU countries live
Voting in Europe: exit polls from EU countries live

The first screenings start at 6pm in Germany and then in all 27. The official counting will begin at 11pm. At that time, in fact, the polling stations of the last countries to vote for the European elections (including Italy) will be closed. The photograph of the new EU Parliament will emerge from the ballot boxes of the 27 member states, where 720 will be elected (76 will be Italian MEPs). Predictions point to a consolidation of the far right (represented by the conservative ECR groups led by Melons and Id of Le Pen And Salvini), a result which, if confirmed, would change the face of the European Parliament.

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Key points
  • 5.42pm

    Europe Elects projection on 6 countries: “First the EPP, then the S&D, third the liberals”


The ID group (Lega, Le Pen) will not comment on the projections to the European Chamber

The group Identity and Democracy (which includes Lepen’s Rassemblement National and Salvini’s League) will not go on stage in the European Chamber to comment on the first projections on the European elections. “I remember that Parliament invited all groups to speak”, explained the spokesperson of the EU Parliament Jaume Dauch. The representatives of the groups will speak starting at 9.30 pm and the Spitzenkandidat will arrive in the chamber immediately afterwards.



Europe Elects projection on 6 countries: “First the EPP, then the S&D, third the liberals”

According to the first projection of the European elections by Europe Elects, an independent polling and data aggregator, with the first post-election results from six countries, the Ppe is projected at 184 seats (+6), the Socialists and Democrats (S&D) at 136 (-4), the liberals of Renew at 88 (-14). The ECR conservatives would have 73 seats (+5). The far right of Id would also grow (67 seats, +8); the Verdi/Ale (56, -16) and the Left (36, -1) are decreasing. With 80 seats (+31) the non-members would become the fourth group.


France, turnout at 5pm over 45% (increasing compared to previous elections)

The turnout in France for the European elections it reached 45.26% at 5pm. An increase compared to previous rounds: in 2019 the turnout at that time was 43.29%, in 2014 it was 35.07% and in 2009 by 33.18%.


Exit poll Austria, the far right of the FPO in the lead

The far-right FPÖ party (formerly of Jorg Haider) is leading the European elections in Austria, according to exit polls published by the main media. It would have obtained 27% of the votes, becoming for the first time the most important political force in the Alpine country.


European: Germany, turnout at 2pm at 32.3% (+3% on 2019)

According to data published by the president of the electoral commission, participation in Germany in the European elections at 2pm it stood at 32.3%, almost three points higher than the 29.4% in the previous European Parliament elections in 2019 at the same time (9.4%). Polling stations remain open until 6pm.
At the last European elections, the total voter turnout in Germany was 61.4%.
In this round, approximately 60.9 million German citizens are called to vote; approximately 5.1 million of them will be able to vote for the first time, including those aged 16 and over.
There are 1,413 candidates, from 35 parties and other political organizations. Germany is entitled to 96 European seats, more than any other EU member country.

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