The three things never to do on a plane: advice to follow during the flight

The three things never to do on a plane: advice to follow during the flight
The three things never to do on a plane: advice to follow during the flight

With the reduction in flight costs, especially compared to a few years ago, theairplane it has long become the preferred means of travel for holidaymakers from all over the world.

Accustomed to traveling and facing the various phases into which the entire experience is divided, starting from the choice of carrier and online booking up to the disembarkation and collection of one’s luggage, the passengers they should have acquired a certain familiarity with all the operations to be carried out in every situation, and yet, despite this, many continue to maintain bad habits that are difficult to eradicate.

Revealing it through Tik Tok, via a video that has gone viral on social media in the last few hours, is Ale, a hostess who, despite her young age, can already boast decades of experience. The girl bestows on her followers three tips of fundamental importance, revealing what is best never to do during a flight, given that more often than not these are ways of behaving that can prevent you from running into problems of a certain importance.

“The first tip I can give you”explains the hostess, “is that of don’t fall asleep before the plane takes off”. It is more than understandable that when you get on board, after the whole journey to reach the airport, the checks and the endless standing queues, the passenger feels decidedly exhausted and his only wish is “that of falling into a deep sleep as soon as possible“.

Yet it is always advisable to avoid sleeping before take-off, and this is basically for two reasons. The first is to avoid repercussions on the ears, or the so-called “barotrauma“, a tissue injury caused by the lack of balance between the pressure of the air contained in a body cavity, such as the middle ear, and that of the surrounding environment, which varies with the change in altitude in flight. The second and even more important reason is that the take-off phases are always the most delicate and potentially dangerous, so we must remain vigilant: “You have to be awake in case of emergency, if there were to be aevacuation“, explains the hostess.

The second tip is to “Do not consume your own alcohol on board: the flight staff, in fact, also have the task of ensuring that passengers drink responsibly, and to do this they must always be aware of the quantity of alcohol ingested, a fact that is overlooked in the event that alcohol is consumed at the without the knowledge of hostesses and stewards.

Third and final piece of advice, which may seem banal

but which evidently isn’t if the girl includes it among the fundamental ones, is to avoid taking off her hair shoes on a plane and walking barefoot, an incorrect and highly unhygienic practice.

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