“You breathe hatred, anti-Semitism is scary.” The complaint from the director of the Jewish Brigade Museum

“You breathe hatred, anti-Semitism is scary.” The complaint from the director of the Jewish Brigade Museum
“You breathe hatred, anti-Semitism is scary.” The complaint from the director of the Jewish Brigade Museum

This morning in Rouen, France, a man attempted to set fire to a synagogue, but the intervention of the police was decisive and neutralized him. Yet another case of antisemitism in Europe starting from October 7, 2023, the date of the brutal attack by Hamas terrorists in Israel. The climate is hot in Western universities, but not only: over the last few months, verbal and physical attacks, anti-Semitic writings, threats and intimidation of all kinds have been recorded. You can breathe hatred, the complaint of Davide Romanodirector of Museum of the Jewish Brigade.

Many Jewish university students were attacked, a climate of violence that pushed the youngest to no longer wear clothing or necklaces with Jewish symbols.“That’s it already the beginning of the abyssthe j’accuse of Romano, who recalled how in some demonstrations the Digos escort was necessary, while the senator for life Liliana Segre is forced to live with the escort after everything she has been through. There is fear among the JewsRomano admitted: “In recent months we have witnessed demonstrations of a violent nature immediately after 7 October, therefore not linked to Israel’s war in the territory of Gaza which occurred afterwards”.

As highlighted previously, since October there have been successive more or less violent demonstrations and marches, most often passed off as human rights events. In reality he only professes hatred against Israel and in particular against the Jews. “As Mattarella said yesterday, attention must be given to everyone’s human rights and not just against Israel otherwise it becomes an obsession and from obsessions, carried forward with hatred. And the facts arise that we find ourselves commenting on in recent days with aggression , people who stab in England and those who want to set fire to the synagogue in France”added Romano.

The director of the Jewish Brigade Museum addressed an appeal to universities, politicians and the media, because at the moment there does not seem to be the right awareness of the extent of anti-Semitism. It is forbidden to provide wrong, mostly simplistic, readings of the crisis in the Middle East: Rome has underlined that there are rights and wrongs on both sides and a reading of reality that divides into good and bad inevitably leads to the results we see. It is essential, he added, to respect the law, without allowing other people to be attacked because they are not aligned with the pro-Pal religion. A thought also for police, “too often subjected to aggression while they are workers doing their duty”.

With all due respect to the left, always on the side of the violent.

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