My Home My Destiny 2 Spoilers June 30, 2024: Mehdi attacks Burhan!

My Home My Destiny 2 Spoilers June 30, 2024: Mehdi attacks Burhan!
My Home My Destiny 2 Spoilers June 30, 2024: Mehdi attacks Burhan!

The Previews of the Episode of My Home My Destiny broadcast on 30 June 2024 on Canale 5 reveal that Mehdi sees Mujgan and Burhan embracing and loses his temper!

Thanks to previews from the Turkish soap opera on Canale 5, My Home My Destinywe discover that, in the episode on air the June 30, 2024at 14:05, Mugganafter a twenty-year wait, can finally see Burhan againhis ex boyfriendwho confesses to her that he has never stopped loving her. Mehdi surprises them on top of a hill, tightly embraced. The mechanic is furious attacks Burhan

My Home My Destiny Previews: Mujgan angry with Mehdi…

Mujgan and Mehdi are at loggerheads. LeiIndeed, he can’t tolerate the thought that the brother have decided to stay together with Zeynep e to throw Benal out of the house, the person who is carrying their child and who is now forced to go and live alone in an apartment awaiting the birth of the baby. Thus, during a family lunch, Mujgan made her thoughts clear. MehdiAt that time, he answered her rudely. The woman, resentful of her, promised herself to start thinking more about herself than about her family…

My Home My Destiny Previews: Burhan arrives!

In addition to the problems at home, the mechanic now has them outside as well. In fact, a character has just entered the scene who will bring even more chaos into Mehdi’s life. The latter has learned by pure chance that Burhan, his arch-enemy, is back in town. The moment they find themselves face to face, nearby immediately the physical clash; Zeynepterrified at the thought that something bad might happen to Mehdi, intervenes promptly, but because of this episode he will lose his job

Mehdi vs Burhan, in My Home My Destiny Previews of June 30, 2024

After a wait that seemed to be endless – also because, after all, it took twenty years Mujgan can see her ex-boyfriend again, Burhan. She is very excited, and so is he, who confesses that he has never forgotten her: despite all this time having passed, he has never stopped thinking about her and loving her. The two get closer, and someone catches them together. Mehdi sees them on top of a hill hugging each other e, furious Like never before, he lashes out at Burhan. How will this melee end?

Let’s discover all the My Home My Destiny Weekly Previews June 24-30, 2024.

My Home My Destiny goes on air Monday to Sunday on Canale5 starting from 14.45.

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