oppositions and unions on the attack. Internal audit activated

Opposition to attack for two recent hires in Rai, one of which concerns Ferdinando Collocaexponent of Casapound from Ostia, already a candidate for the Regionals, ended up in ainvestigation into business with the Spada clan.
While the second one seems to be linked to the CEO Roberto Sergio.

The accusation of familismwhich has not been new in Rai for years, has at its centre a selection held last May to search for you are programmers multimedia for Radio management. With internal job posting (self-nominations) deserted, the company turned to Adecco amid protests from the unions who would have preferred to carry out internal selection. But Adecco has issued a sidealso turned inward, and outlined a shortlist of candidates submitted to the relevant management. A process that is also currently underway for other profiles, such as data scientist, audience research manager, data analyst, etc.

Returning to the selection, among the winners the name of Ferdinando Colloca popped up, body painter e djwho, however, together with another of the selected, was sent, a few days ago, to Angelo Mellone’s DayTime direction, who however denies responsibility for the choice. Colloca has been working at Rai since 2022, before the installation of the new centre-right-led board of directors. As well as his brother Salvatore, in Rai since 2018, managing Campo Dall’orto. While the third brother Gaetano, in Rai since 2005, has recently worked on VivaRaiDuewas the author of RaiTre sends meand collaborated with Riccardo Iacona and Domenico Iannaccone.

The second assumption that has ended up in the crosshairs is that of Matteo Tarquiniof whose father Giovanni, the CEO Roberto Sergio was wedding witness in 1990. The young man, an expert in web applications, filmmaker, radio director, but above all an expert in visual radio (the profile for which he would have been chosen), has been working for four years at Rai, where he started at RadioDue, when Sergio was already director of Rai Radio. The hiring is also controversial because it would already be classified as «level one”, that of officials.

Regarding new hires, in respect of which the CEO formally has no say, Sergio has activated an internal audit “to protect the company and his role”. According to initial investigations, the hires had also been working for 4-5 years in Rai with VAT contracts, therefore they were among the temporary workers.

Ma the opposition wants to see things clearly. He asks for explanations Sandro RuotoloMEP and head of information in the national secretariat of the Democratic Party: «They transformed the Rai in Viale Mazzini first into Telemeloni and then into a souk» he comments. Angel Bonelli (Avs) announces a‘parliamentary question in the Supervisory Committee, where also Maria Elena Boschi (Iv) promises to go all the way. For Victor of Trapani, president of Fnsi«In Rai we are going back to old political methods».

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