Vladimir Luxuria “asphalts” Corona. The post-flop budget on the island

Vladimir Luxuria “asphalts” Corona. The post-flop budget on the island
Vladimir Luxuria “asphalts” Corona. The post-flop budget on the island

Vladimir Luxuria vs Fabrizio Corona. There presenter of L’isola dei Famosi 2024 he lashes out bluntly at the former paparazzo, guilty of having offended her (heavily) in the recent podcast interview Guruland. She didn’t go down on the TV face that these days deals with a flop, that of the castaway reality show, as sensational as it is difficult to digest. And so Luxuria, after the attack on Corona, also took the opportunity to say a few words about hers personal post-Isola budget. Let’s see below all the details of history.

Vladimir Luxuria, the lunge (with poison) on Fabrizio Corona

Back and forth between two very well-known TV faces. One has been at the center of controversy and investigations for years, former “king” of the Italian paparazzi. The other recently completed hers adventure a lot of unpleasant to The Island of the Famous. I am Fabrizio Corona and Vladimir Luxuria, day and night, or the devil and holy water for those who prefer. The story of their clash begins with Corona, who on the podcast Guruland vents in very picturesque manner also against Luxuria.

“How the fuck do you do it to lead to a man dressed as a woman a reality show on Canale 5 that families watch?”, blurted out theNina Moric’s ex“I watch it and I feel bad. Not only that, with a cast like that and with two commentators like that…They tried every day to move the broadcast of L’Isola dei Famosi…it achieved a 12% share , never reached such a low result in history”. And on the last point, that of the disastrous share, he can also be agreed with. But Corona’s ways are as usual arrogant and over the top. Of course, one could also get used to it, shrug and not respond. But not Luxuria, apparently.

Guest of the radio program “Turchesando”, hosted by Turchese Baracchi on Radio Cusano Campus, the Mediaset presenter responded in kind. “I am always ready to accept criticism when they are constructive” said Vladimir, “you know, one does a live broadcast of an important program for the first time…I try to take the best of the criticism in order to learn. But this insult, what do I have to learn from this? When I won the Island in 2008 he told me ‘you should host a program with Belen’. Then he declared himself bisexualthe alleged affair with Giacomo Urtis, I didn’t think he could say such mean things. As you know I also host a radio program, and I even wished him well because he’s becoming a dad, hoping it would make him better!”.

And again: “He said these things, but in general it was not considered a scandal by the mainstream, I didn’t have any major criticisms about this. And beyond him and a few generals, I haven’t received major criticism of what he said, and it gives me hope.” In short, Corona he can’t hold his tongue, also because of his “smoky” character, and Vladimir Luxuria takes it a lot. In any case, it’s Fabrizio who doesn’t come out very well. Meanwhile, Luxuria takes advantage of the opportunity to do something a self-examination on flop management of theIsland: “I’m very happy with the work I’ve done, I’ve learned a lot, I think I am at the meetings for the program grown a lot. When I walk around the street people compliment me on my professionalism and elegance. Then the ratings were not satisfactory, it’s trueI’m not stupid for denying it.” Finally, after Corona’s rudeness, a bit of elegance and professionalism.

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