“I was successful because I knew failure, young people today live in envy because of social media”

“I was successful because I knew failure, young people today live in envy because of social media”
“I was successful because I knew failure, young people today live in envy because of social media”

For years it has been a point of reference for talent Friendsalmost on par with Maria De Filippi who discovered it together with her husband Maurizio Costanzo, who passed away last year. Today, Kledi Kadiu, a dancer of Albanian origin, lives far from TV, even if he doesn’t close the door on his return. His life for the moment is being a father to Lea and Gabriel, the son born in 2021 and suffering from meningo-encephalitis. “He’s teaching me that you have to take life as it comes and carry on like normal people,” he said.

Kledi, the truth about Maria De Filippi: «From the “demanding” ballet to advice, here’s how things are»

What Kledi Kadiu is doing today

Interviewed by La Nuova Sardegna, Kledi spoke of the affection that binds him to Maria De Filippi: «I had the fortune and pleasure of living many years at her side and I was able to observe her way of working, of relating to others . She is a great professional with great flair and she does everything with enormous precision.”

Then, a thought about her late husband, Maurizio Costanzo and his relationship with success: «I started with Maurizio.

He was precise, fussy. Today everyone wants to come first without any education in failure. He taught you that success can end, while today young people only aim for media success and if it doesn’t come immediately it’s a defeat.”

«I am someone who was successful – continues Kledi – because I knew how to do something. I had solid foundations, even of failure. I was already living from my work and I thought: if success goes away, never mind. But that was a golden era: you could choose, there were values. Today, mainly because of social media, envy dominates.”

Last update: Sunday 9 June 2024, 2.09pm


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