“Did Anita Olivieri and Alessio Falsone break up? We predicted it”, says the former gieffina

The breakup between the two former contestants of the Canale 5 reality show was not a surprise for the former housemates of the most spied on house in Italy, as one of them confirmed in an interview.

The love story born in the house of Big Brother Between Anita Olivieri And Alessio Falsone it had a short duration, the two have already broken up. Their breakup did not take anyone by surprise, how Simona Cuts, saw the beginning of the relationship from the privileged position of ex-roommate. Here’s what the former gieffina said during a radio interview.

Simona Tagli talks about Big Brother couples

There showgirl she lived under the eye of the cameras of the reality show for about fifty days, in the final ranking of the program she ranked fifth. She was the only god competitors no veterans to reach the final, thanks to her personality which allowed her to be appreciated by the program’s audience and in particular by the fans of Beatrice Luzzi with whom he immediately bonded.

Attentive observer of dynamics of the House, Simona Tagli, interviewed by Turchese Baracchi, during Turchesando, spoke about the recent breakup of Anita Olivieri and Alessio Falsone, announced by the two former gieffini through a communicated joint on Instagram. “We had foreseen the end of their relationship“he told the microphones of Radio Cusano Campus.

Simona Tagli at Big Brother

Beatrice and I had said that they didn’t last more than 38 days. From the inside things are seen from another perspective, some couples that are born are alone instrumental for the purposes of the game. Doubts come to me when a couple is born after a nomination“. Simona added that she has always considered authentic the stories of Mirko and Perla and Letizia and Paolo, who in the meantime has reconciled with his father.

The former co-host of Sunday In he also talked about the history between Greta Rossetti and Sergio D’Ottavi: “She has shown herself to be very indecisive in her relationship with boys. The slow approach to Sergio allowed the two to get to know each other better and consolidate as a couple. Many boys courted her and she played along. I have them suggested of not being affable to everyone in the same way“.

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