Men and Women, previews 15 May 2024, live from 2.45pm

Today, Wednesday 15 May 2024will air on Channel 5 a new episode of Men and Women, the dating show hosted by Maria De Filippi. The appointment is for 2.45pm.

In the studio, there will be commentators Tina Cipollari, Gianni Sperti And Tinì Cansino. The tronistas of this season are currently Ida Platano and Daniele Paudice.

The over throne, on the other hand, includes historic and new faces in the parterre Giancarlo P, Sergio Castorina, Alessandro Rausa, Mario Verona, Luciano Bigotto, Maura Vitali, Ida Pavanelli, Sergio Berni, Marco Viola, Gabriella La Torre, Barbara De Santi, Cristina Tenuta, Aurora Tropea, Manuela P., Gemma Galgani, Asmaa Fares , Maria Teresa Paniccia, Orfeo Goldin, Mirko Santia, Pierpaolo Siano, Adriano Cicilano, Tiziana Riccardi, Silvio Venturato, Ernesto Russo. To these are added Albino, Vincenzo, Ida, Lorenzo, Antonio, Edoardo, Renata, Davide, Gianluca, Massimo.

What will happen today to the most beloved protagonists of the Italians’ afternoon? Let’s find out together with our liveblogging from 2.45pm.

Men and Women, Where we were left

In the last episode of Men and Women that aired, Ida also ended her acquaintance with Pierpaolo. The knight accused the tronista of having always and only been interested in Mario and left the studio with harsh words towards the woman who, during the recording, let herself go into despair over what had happened, consoled by the parterre of ladies and men knights…

Men and Women, Previews of episode 15 May 2024

In the episode broadcast today, Wednesday 15 May 2024, we will have confirmation of Ida’s abandonment of the throne. The tronista is not present in the studio (nor is Daniele). Special guest Giucas Casella to talk about her flirtation / history she had, years ago, with Tina Cipollari. The two will talk about the gossip that has come back into fashion in recent weeks. Gemma, meanwhile, continues to hang out with Pietro. Cristiano also confirms that he wants to meet Asmaa while Fabio closes with Sabrina.

Where to see it on TV and streaming

The broadcast can be followed directly on Canale 5 (button 5 on the remote control) or in streaming on Mediaset Infinity.

On Witty TV, it is possible to watch the episode and the clips with the cult moments of the show again

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