Turnout in Molise below 59%, among the lowest in Italy. Campobasso and Termoli at 65%, slight decrease

Turnout in Molise below 59%, among the lowest in Italy. Campobasso and Termoli at 65%, slight decrease
Turnout in Molise below 59%, among the lowest in Italy. Campobasso and Termoli at 65%, slight decrease

With the polls closed at 11pm, the average turnout for the municipal elections of 8 and 9 June 2024 in Molise (voting was held in 36 centers in the province of Campobasso including the capital and Termoli and in 20 in the province of Isernia) was was 58.52%. Specifically, it stood at a percentage of 59.04 in the 36 municipalities of the province of Campobasso and approximately 55.61, therefore lower, in the 20 voting in the province of Isernia. This is one of the lowest regional figures, as far as municipal elections are concerned, which involved over 3 thousand municipalities in 16 different regions of Italy. And the data – on average – is decreasing compared to previous elections.


Percentage above 64% for Termoli, where 18,395 voters out of 28,618 eligible voters voted. However, the percentage is slightly decreasing compared to 5 years ago when the figure exceeded 67.5%. Slightly higher percentage in the capital Campobasso where the final figure was 65.27%, also in this case lower than the previous municipal elections (over 68%). In the capital of Molise, out of over 42 thousand eligible voters, just under 27,800 voted.

Higher than average voting percentages are confirmed in Campomarino (68.2, increasing) and San Martino in Pensilis (66.36). However, the highest percentage in the province was recorded in Colle D’Anchise (above 77%). Good turnouts, above 60, also in Ferrazzano, Riccia, Trivento, Santa Croce di Magliano. The lowest percentage was recorded in Gildone where it was just above 30%. Fewer than 4 out of 10 voters went to the polls in Fossalto, Castelmauro, Acquaviva Collecroce.


In addition to Petacciato, also in Colletorto and Spinete (remaining only in the province of Campobasso), the challenge was – for the only contenders – to exceed the quorum of 40%. And even in these last two municipalities this was achieved with percentages that well exceeded 45%. In Petacciato the definitive figure stands at 55.35 (however down by more than 6 percentage points compared to the previous time.

CAMPOBASSO PROVINCE – Definitive turnouts of the Municipalities

Colle D’Anchise (77.12%)
Campomarino (68.20%)
San Martino in Pensilis (66.36%)
Campobasso (65.27%)
Termoli (64.28%)
Trivento (63.83%)
Ferrazzano (63.50%)
Curly (61.33%)
Santa Croce di Magliano (61.07%)
Campodipietra (59.90%)
Cercemaggiore (58.89%)
Petacciato (55.35%)
Ripalimosani (55.22%)
San Giuliano di Puglia (53.10%)
Palata (52.01%)
San Polo Matese (50.94%)
Tufara (50.46%)
Mirabello Sannitico (50.25%)
Petrella Tifernina (48.19%)
Castropignano (48.07%)
Montagano (47.60%)
Spinete (47.45%)
Gambatesa (46.98%)
Colletorto (45.54%)
San Giovanni in Galdo (45.14%)
Montecifone (44.79%)
Lucito (43.49%)
Tavenna (41.73%)
Mafalda (40.08%)
Sant’Elia a Pianisi (39.89%)
Fossalto (38.66%)
Acquaviva Collecroce (37.02%)
Monacilioni (35.91%)
Sant’Angelo Limosano (35.34%)
Castelmauro (31.48%)
Gildone (30.42%)


In the 20 municipalities of the province of Isernia, the turnout at 11pm was 55.6% but with large differences. If in Fornelli, Cerro al Volturno, Macchia d’Isernia, Vastogirardi, Pozzilli and Rocchetta a Volturno more than 7 out of 10 voters went to the polls, in other small municipalities the figure did not reach 40%. The ‘black’ shirt, in this sense, in Pietrabbondante.

PROVINCE OF ISERNIA – Definitive turnouts of the Municipalities

Stoves (79.68%)
Cerro al Volturno (76.44%)
Macchia d’Isernia (75.33%)
Vastogirardi (73.52%)
Pozzilli (70.78%)
Rocchetta a Volturno (70.04%)
Castel del Giudice (60.50%)
Carovilli (60.37%)
Sant’Agapito (59.64%)
Castelpetroso (56.78%)
Frosolone (56.31%)
Miranda (49.20%)
Macchiagodena (46.45%)
Rionero Sannitico (46.10%)
Pescopennataro (42.62%)
Bachelors (39.84%)
Castelverrino (34.02%)
Filignano (32.77%)
Pietrabbondante (29.70%)

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