“Who will win? Holden or Marisol. With Veronica Peparini we help each other, resentment is useless”

Friends of Maria De Filippi 2023/2024

May 12, 2024


Tonight, Sunday 12 May, the semi-final of the Amici evening show. On Fanpage.it, Fabrizio Prolli’s report cards. The choreographer and former talent professional of Maria De Filippi had his say on the competitors Holden, Petit, Marisol and Dustin. And about Mida and Sarah Toscano, who are at risk of elimination. Then he spoke about the current relationship with his ex-wife Veronica Peparini.

Petit, Holden, Marisol and Mida: Fabrizio Prolli’s report cards on Amici’s competitors

The evening of Amici 2024 is drawing to a close. Tonight, Sunday 12 May, it will be broadcast on Canale5 the semi-final of the talent show hosted by Maria De Filippi. Still competing, the singers Holden, Petit, He gives me And Sarah Toscano and the dancers Marisol Castellanos And Dustin Taylor. The previews of Amici reveal that Sarah and Midas will be at risk of elimination. Fanpage.it he talked about it with Fabrizio Prollichoreographer ed former Amici professional fresh from the great success of Viva Rai2. During the interview, the dancer expressed his opinion on the competitors of this edition and made a prediction on who will be the winner. Then she talked about how the relationship with her has evolved ex-wife Veronica Peparini with whom he had two children, Daniele and Olivia. Last March, the choreographer became the mother of twin girls, Penelope and Ginevra, born to her partner Andreas Muller: “Both mine and Veronica’s goal is to have as large a family as possible where we can help each other, it would be useless to hold grudges“.

Who will win Amici 2024: Fabrizio Prolli’s report cards

Amici 2024, Maria De Filippi’s talent show one step away from the final

Who will win Amici? Dry question.

I’ll make a premise. In my opinion, this year Amici had peaks of talent and some guys who were a little further behind. If I had to choose, in my opinion Holden should win for singing and Marisol for dancing. I find Holden centered and mature in his professional and musical path. He suffers the prejudice of being the son of a person known in the environment (Paolo Carta, ed), but that doesn’t mean anything. He is very good. Instead Marisol I think she’s crazy, because she’s very, very, very versatile.

Previews Friends, May 12th episode: who risks being eliminated and the guests

Alessandra Celentano defined Marisol and Dustin as “excellencies”. Do you agree?

When he says these big words, he does it within that path. They are excellent in there, outside they are very good dancers. Technically I really appreciate them. Dustin is also great. Alessandra Celentano is right to say that they are excellent in that context. Then on the global scene there is always someone better than us.

“With Midas I get distracted, Sarah has little personality, Petit will be successful”

Among singers and dancers, who impressed you the most and who least?

Those who I thought were a little step back have left. Instead, among the singers, I didn’t mind Martina. As I was saying, I really like Holden’s way of writing. As for Petit, I am convinced that he is riding the wave of this neomelodic rap trend, a bit like Geolier and therefore he will be very followed and successful.

Is there a student who has already graduated who in your opinion deserved to play for the final?

There was a dancer I really liked: Kumo, a really good dancer. In him I see a beautiful artistic personality.

There was no shortage of controversy in the last episode. Holden accepted the challenge, but then didn’t prepare the song because she had to focus on his EP. What do you think?

I agree when Holden says that others just have to send the word, while he takes care of everything himself. This, however, does not justify it. You stay in there and have to carry out the tasks assigned to you. You need to be able to manage your time. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. But no pointing the finger at him.

Previews Friends, the semi-final tonight: Mida and Sarah at risk of elimination

Amici 23, Mida and Sarah Toscano at risk of elimination

Amici 23, Mida and Sarah Toscano at risk of elimination

What do you think about Mida and Sarah Toscano?

I’ll say something that will make Midas fans angry (laughs, ed.). When she sings, I get distracted. For example, if there are dancers I look at the choreography. But not because I am a choreographer and therefore due to professional deformation, but Midas loses my attention. As for Sarah, her latest single rocks her. It’s very cute, summery. But they both don’t have this great personality. Sarah has a beautiful voice, but personality is another story. Holden and Petit are stronger.

Give me a technical opinion on the picturesque performances of Rudy Zerbi and Alessandra Celentano.

(Laughs, ed.) I think Alessandra is crazy. She is a lady of dance, she has a biting irony that I like. I find her very cute. Rudy does what he can. But I have to say something in favor of Lorella Cuccarini. I worked a lot with her, I also took care of the choreographies of her performance of her Sanremo together with Luca Tommassini. She is crazy, with a unique professionalism. Knowing what she represents for Italian television and still seeing her dance that way today, with that determination, that passion, that fire in her eyes is something that should be a lesson for everyone.

Martina Giovannini was eliminated but Luciano Cannito proposed her to participate in the musical Fame, where you also work.

I take care of the choreography and having Martina will be fun. We still don’t know in what role. I’m ready to see her get involved, because when you do musicals in addition to singing, you also have to know how to act and dance.

In fact, she had some doubts on this very point. She was afraid she wouldn’t succeed.

Just put in the work and study.

You are also preparing the musical Rocky which will be staged in October.

Exact. I also take care of the choreography for that show. It is a unique project, it has toured the world, but in Italy it is exclusive. Among the producers there is also Sylvester Stallone, we all know the story but seeing it on stage will be exciting. There will be auditions at the end of May. This is how the whole creative process will begin, which will end with the debut in October. This year I’m happy, I’ve done many good things. I also had the chance to do my own show in New York, which is touring America. It’s called Euforia Italiana, a company of only women and songs by Annalisa, Mahmood, Elisa, only Italian artists.

Fabrizio Prolli is the father of Daniele and Olivia, born from his marriage to Veronica Peparini

Fabrizio Prolli and his children Daniele and Olivia in a photo from a few years ago

Fabrizio Prolli and his children Daniele and Olivia in a photo from a few years ago

How do you manage to reconcile all these commitments with the role of father? Do you find a balance?

You know, it’s all very natural. My children know the timing, dynamics and hours of our work. My ex-wife Veronica Peparini and I have always been doing this job. By now Olivia and Daniele are able to adapt.

Your daughter Olivia is a dancer like you.

I’m not saying this because she’s my daughter, but she’s talented. I look at her and I’m hypnotized, she seems to see her mother. Stylistically she has Veronica’s movement. The dynamic belongs to the father. A nice mix. She is exciting.

Now that Veronica Peparini has become the mother of twins, it is nice that you have created this extended family where no one is left behind.

I’ll tell you something. My daughter Olivia had a birthday in March and asked us to have just one party. So, for the first time since Veronica and I are no longer together, we had this extended party. There was me, Andreas (Muller, ed.), our children, my parents, Veronica’s parents, Andreas’ parents. It was a very, very beautiful evening. Both mine and Veronica’s goal is to have as large a family as possible where we can help each other. It would be useless to hold a grudge.

Andreas Muller has also always respected your role as father of Olivia and Daniele.

It’s true, Andreas has always been very nice.

Your son Daniele is now a teenager. How is this phase going? Hard to handle?

Help (laughs, ed.). In reality he is very centered, so much so that he wants to be super independent, he acts handsome and dark, he is silent, even if he then confides everything to me. He collects vinyl, likes Pink Floyd and Guns N’ Roses, plays in a band and studies cinema. He forced me to go to see Metallica’s concert in Milan at the end of May. We will do this thing together, even if I’m not exactly their fan, but for my son this and more.

Friends, Fabrizio Prolli: “I would return as a teacher or to judge the challenges”

Fabrizio Prolli with the cast of Viva Rai2

Fabrizio Prolli with the cast of Viva Rai2

Viva Rai2 ended on Friday. Were you sorry?

For two years I experienced something unique, an innovation for Italian television that will remain in history. I’m glad to have been part of this iconic program. Then who knows what will happen. Rosario might have another idea.

So is there a possibility that you will work together again?

Sure, go figure. Never change a winning team. He is not a creature of habit. He comes back when he really has something to say. Let’s see where life takes us. What is certain is that these two years have been a crazy school.

One of the latest twists of Viva Rai2 was Elodie’s surprise.

People think it’s all prepared but, believe me, no one knew anything. We couldn’t believe it, because we knew that he struggles to get up early in the morning. Instead she came, she brought us the croissants, she was fantastic. Even Fiorello didn’t know anything.

Apart from the shows you are involved in, would you like to continue working on TV?

Of course, I’m running for the role of judge. Maybe on a program like Dancing with the Stars or X Factor. I’m ready. I would really like. On Amici, however, I would like to judge the challenges. If they ever called me to be a teacher, I would gladly do it even if I would argue with Raimondo Todaro in a second. I don’t think like him about many things.

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