Even families with zero ISEE pay

Starting from the 2025-2026 school year in Como municipal schools all families will pay for the canteen service. This was decided by the council led by Alessandro Rapinese, who removed the free service for families at zero ISEE.

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With the resolution approved in the session of 28 June, the Palazzo Cernezzi council has revised the rates of municipal school canteens. In this way, starting from the 2025-2026 school year, all families will have to pay at least a minimum daily fee, even if they fall into the lowest ISEE range. “It is a adjustment to ensure the economic sustainability of the service”, explained the mayor of Como Alessandro Rapineseunderlining how the cost of each meal is 7.14 euros: “For those who have financial difficulties, they can turn to social services”. The opposition is tough, with the Como section of the Democratic Party calling the mayor of Como a “mayor-calculator“.

The rates currently in force in school canteens in Como

School canteen rates currently in force

For the next school year, therefore, the rates will remain unchanged compared to what has just ended. The costs are structured based on four ISEE bands. The first one goes from zero to 3 thousand euros. Families who fall into this category can benefit from the school canteen at least until next year for free.

After that, whoever falls into the next band, namely within 7,500 eurospay 2.48 euros per meal. Cost rising to 3,97 euro for those returning in the 10 thousand euros and that comes to 4,97 euro for those who are there beats. The meal is also free for families that are not entirely resident in the municipality of Como. Finally, reductions are foreseen for the 25 percent from the second child onwards and for pupils with disabilities.

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The new rates in force from the school year 2025-2026

The new rates approved by the Como municipal council

The new tariff approved by the Como municipal council which will come into force starting from the 2025-2026 school year presents numerous variations. First of all, the diversification of costs based on ISEE bands has increased, but it should be underlined that none of these guarantees a meal entirely paid for by the Municipality.

Even for the lowest range, the one that reaches 3 thousand eurosthe contribution of is expected 2 euros per meal. Until 7.500 euro the cost is 3 eurowhich rises to 5 euro for the band that reaches 10 thousand euros. A new step is fixed at 25mila euros and whoever gets back pays 6 euros per meal. Finally, there is another one to 35mila: who remains under pay 6,20 eurothe others 6,50 euro. The same price as those who do not have all family members resident in the municipality of Como (previously the price was zero euros).

It remains the free service for families supported by social serviceswhich however will now have to go through the Municipality offices since the concession is no longer automatic. The discount also remains 25 percent for students with disabilities, but the discount for the second child drops to 15 percent.

Opposition protests

Rapinese reiterated how this “adjustment” was made “to guarantee the economic sustainability of the service“, given that each meal still costs over 7 euros and what remains to be paid is taken from the municipal coffers.

The opposition, in particular the Como section of the Pd, accuses him of being a “calculating mayor” who ends up “penalizing families again”. The resolution approved by the council entails more expenses for students: “A few euros a day“, write the dems in a note, “but which, spread over an entire school year, become a consistent increase for the families of Como”.

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