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“Silence is health” at Sapienza: meeting on scientific research – EZ Rome

“Silence is health” at Sapienza: meeting on scientific research – EZ Rome
“Silence is health” at Sapienza: meeting on scientific research – EZ Rome

The La Sapienza University of Rome will host an event of great scientific importance on 3 July 2024: the ICONS (International Conference On The Neurophysiology Of Silence). This seminar, promoted by the Patrizio Paoletti Foundation, will explore the beneficial effects of silence on mental and physical health. The meeting will be held from 9.45am to 1.30pm in room 10 of the Department of Psychology, in via dei Marsi 78, and will be accessible for free both in person and in streaming on ZoomVideo.

The conference and its objectives

The ICONS seminar is the first event of the series “Research for Global Health”, an initiative that aims to redefine the concept of health as a state of complete psychophysical well-being, not simply as the absence of disease. The Patrizio Paoletti Foundation, promoter of the event, is a philanthropic organization engaged in neuroscientific and psychopedagogical research. In the coming months, the series will continue with two other meetings dedicated to the themes of peace and resilience.

During the meeting on July 3, researchers, psychologists and neuroscientists will present the results of their research on conscious silence and its neurophysiological, psychological and molecular effects. Among the most anticipated speeches, that of Grazia Serantoni of RINED (Research Institute of the Patrizio Paoletti Foundation), who will illustrate the data of a study on the effects of a meditation practice based on silence in a group of adolescents. This study is part of the “Prefiguring the Future” protocol, developed by the Foundation to help young people cultivate resilience.

The interventions and the topics covered

The seminar will feature several experts who will discuss the benefits of silence in relation to mental and physical health. A central theme will be “Square Motor Training”, a form of moving meditation that combines high cognitive tension and low stress. Michele Zampieri of the Department of Experimental Medicine of La Sapienza University will illustrate how this practice improves brain coordination, increases creativity and reduces automatic thought patterns.

Stefano Lasaponara of the Department of Psychology at La Sapienza University will address the topic of intentional silence and the suspension of automatic response. This type of silence creates an inner space that facilitates a better understanding of oneself, people and events. Lasaponara will also analyze the role of confirmation bias, i.e. the tendency to seek information that confirms one’s beliefs, in the spread of fake news.

Finally, Valerio Santangelo and Tiziana Pedale of the University of Perugia will present a study on functional neuroimaging, aimed at investigating the phenomenon of the extinction of fear under stress conditions. This intervention will offer further food for thought on the potential of silence as a tool for psychological well-being.

The Patrizio Paoletti Foundation and its commitment

The Patrizio Paoletti Foundation, founded in Assisi in 2000, is a philanthropic organization that operates in the field of interdisciplinary research, combining neuroscience, psychology, education and sociology. The Foundation is active in promoting global health, understood as physical, emotional and psychological well-being, in line with the definitions of the World Health Organization.

Over the last twenty years, the Foundation has carried out numerous scientific, informative, training and pedagogical initiatives, aimed at adults, children and young people. Impacting more than 400,000 people and supporting more than 100,000 supporters, the Foundation has developed protocols and techniques to improve personal and collective well-being. The objective is to contribute to better lifestyles and greater fulfillment of individual aspirations, with a view to collective well-being.

Useful information

The ICONS meeting will be held on 3 July 2024 from 9.45am to 1.30pm in room 10 of the Department of Psychology of La Sapienza University, in via dei Marsi 78, Rome. Participation is free, but it is necessary to register by sending an email to the Patrizio Paoletti Foundation. It will also be possible to follow the event live streaming on ZoomVideo, always requesting information from the Patrizio Paoletti Foundation.

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