Tragic road accident in Rome: the story of Luca de Luca and Ngoc Trituan Naguyen

Tragic road accident in Rome: the story of Luca de Luca and Ngoc Trituan Naguyen
Tragic road accident in Rome: the story of Luca de Luca and Ngoc Trituan Naguyen

Last updated on July 1, 2024 by Sara Gatti

Luca de Luca, a 46-year-old motorcyclist with a five-year-old daughter, was one of the victims of a tragic accident that occurred last Sunday in via del Foro Italico a Roma. Next to him, another motorcyclist, Ngoc Trituan Drinkaged 52, both residents of the northern part of the city. The accident occurred suddenly at the height of Salaria Streetwhen the two motorcycles came into contact causing both riders to fall.

Luca de Luca’s life: passion for motorbikes, travel and work

Luke of Luke he had a great passion for his motorcycle Triumph with the red saddle, for travel and music. In addition to his passion for motorcycles, he divided his time between working in the family restaurant in Wash and his activity as a photographer, having founded an image agency. With a degree in Communication Sciences and the diploma of artistic high school, Luca he was an active figure on social media, where he interacted with customers and collaborators for his work activities.

The impact of the tragedy on social media

The news of Luca de Luca’s passing has sparked a wave of emotion on social media, with 150,000 people seeing the news of his death on Facebook alone Facebook. Friends and acquaintances remembered Luca with affection and esteem, highlighting his lively personality and his commitment to work and everyday life.

A touching memory of a close friend

A friend of Luca de Luca shared a touching memory about Facebook, remembering the adventurous trips taken together and the depth of the bond that united them. Through a photo taken during a stay in Balithe friend paid tribute to Lucacalling it an important piece of his life. Luca he was known for his free spirit and ability to push others beyond their limits.

The eloquent motto of Luca de Luca

Luke of Luke had chosen a meaningful motto for his photographic agency, which reflected his altruistic and generous spirit. “It is said: those who don’t have time to follow their own personal needs give priority to those of others“, was the phrase that best described his approach to life. Friends and acquaintances have expressed their condolences at her untimely passing, highlighting the positive impact it has Luca has had in their lives.


Luke of Luke:
Luca de Luca was a 46-year-old motorcyclist living in Rome, victim of a tragic road accident. In addition to his passion for motorbikes, Luca was a professional in the communication and photography sector. Graduated in Communication Sciences and with an artistic high school diploma, he founded an image agency and had a strong impact on social media, where he interacted with clients and collaborators.

Ngoc Trituan Drink:
Ngoc Trituan Naguyen, 52, was another motorcyclist involved in the accident together with Luca de Luca, in the northern area of ​​Rome.
Via del Foro Italico:
Via del Foro Italico is the street in Rome where the accident occurred, precisely at Via Salaria.
Via Salaria:
Via Salaria is the street where the two motorcycles came into contact, causing the drivers to fall.
Luca de Luca’s motorcycle was a Triumph with a red saddle, which he was passionate about.
And Prati:
Luca de Luca worked in the family restaurant located in Prati, a neighborhood of Rome.
Communication Sciences e Artistic high school:
Luca de Luca had a degree in Communication Sciences and a high school diploma in art, which helped him in his career as a photographer and entrepreneur.
Bali is a well-known island in Indonesia, mentioned in the article as the travel location of Luca de Luca and his friend.
The article pays tribute to Luca de Luca, describing his lively personality, his commitment to his work and his positive impact on the lives of the people who knew him. His untimely death sparked a wave of emotion on social media, where friends and acquaintances expressed their affection and respect for him.

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