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Fire Department Chief Maurizio Lalli Retires

The time has come for a well-deserved retirement for Maurizio Lalli, department head of the fire brigade, serving at the Abruzzo Regional Fire Brigade Directorate.

Man of great value and courage in 33 years of honored career Maurizio Lalli he has always been characterized by a spirit of self-sacrifice and attachment to the Body. The department head joined the National Fire Brigade in April 1991 and began his professional career in the Fire Brigade Command of Milan and then served in the Fire Brigade Commands of Bologna, Rome, L’ Aquila and the last years at the Regional Fire Brigade Directorate. Abruzzo.

Qualified and with great skills over the years Maurizio Lalli has managed to reach important goals such as team leader and department leader. During his career he has been called several times to serve in his own territory and in the rest of Italy, when natural disasters and other emergencies required the intervention of people like him: an expert firefighter, very attached to his role, able to combine the skills acquired during his career, the dedication and humanity that have always distinguished him.

Maurizio Lalli took part in many national emergencies that affected the country, among the most important: the flood in Piedmont, the earthquakes in Umbria, Molise and L’Aquila and the landslide of Sarno and Quindici.

Warm greetings from all the firefighters of the Regional Fire Brigade Directorate. Abruzzo and the Command of L’Aquila. Thank you Maurizio for what you have given to the National Fire Brigade and best wishes to you and your family all the best.

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