Strakosha gains altitude but there is the agent node: it is the same as Terracciano

Strakosha gains altitude but there is the agent node: it is the same as Terracciano
Strakosha gains altitude but there is the agent node: it is the same as Terracciano

For the goal, Fiorentina is following the name of Strakosha, former Lazio goalkeeper. The agent is the same as Terracciano and here a Biraghi-Parisi situation would be created

In the last few hours a name has also gained traction for the purple goal: Thomas Strakosha, ex Lazio and now to Brentfordas well as starter for Albania (good performances at the European Championship, despite the elimination of his national team). Considering the little space he would find in England, the 1995 born player is tempted to return to Italy, with Fiorentina which would represent an excellent solution. The node concerns the agent, who, being the same one from Terracciano, would willingly avoid putting his two clients in competition. A bit like what happened with Cristiano Biraghi and Fabiano Parisi on the left wing during the last season.

Just to know, the Viola will have to get through the Conference League playoffs if they want to be sure of playing many games and of needing a numerical strengthening of the squad. In short, one between Terracciano and Strakosha would almost never play. Among other things, the feeling is that, to pack your bags, it could be more Oliver Christensen, both for the few guarantees given this year, and for the certainly more reassuring experience of the goalkeeper from Campania.


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NEXT the Government is studying ad hoc measures, we cannot go on like this