CASTROLIBERO (CS) – Tuesday in Cosenza the meeting “The strength of women doctors”

CASTROLIBERO (CS) – Tuesday in Cosenza the meeting “The strength of women doctors”
CASTROLIBERO (CS) – Tuesday in Cosenza the meeting “The strength of women doctors”

The meeting will be held on Tuesday 2nd July, in Castrolibero, at 5.30 pm, at Palazzo Isabella Quintieri The strength of women doctorsorganized by SpiritNational Association of Women Voters Cosenza con AidmAssociation of Women Doctors, Municipality of Castrolibero, Cultural Association “LiberaMente”, School networkLet’s get excited” and in collaboration with theAssociation Aps Now You of Castrolibero with its president Evelina Cascardo.

The works, moderated by Dr Rosanna Labonia of the Ande Cosenza board, will be opened by the mayor of Castrolibero Orlandino Greco and from presidents of Aidm Cosenza Angela D’AmatoOf Aidm Cedar Riviera Agnes Mollo and Andes Cosenza, Giovanna Giulia Bergantin.

The national president Ande will focus on the social centrality of the theme of the meeting Marisa Fagà. Doctor’s reports will follow Catherine Hermioformer national president AIDM, of the prof. Antonella Iantornocoordinator of biomedical enhancement at the “Gioacchino da Fiore” Classical High School in Rende and Maria De Lucapresident of the AISM of Cosenza (Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association of Cosenza).

They will be present at the appointment Rose Paradise, Gemma Faraco e Brunella Baratta, managers of some schools of the “Emozioniamoci” network who together with Ande Cosenza have created educational courses to promote STEM disciplines among girls.

The book will be presented during the event Women doctors from Egypt to the present day, whose proceeds will go to the Aism of Cosenza. The author of the research Wanda Lombardivice president of Ande Cosenza, will illustrate the contents that outline the historical female figures protagonists in medical art.

At the end of the evening, the poet from Cosenza will read Annalina Paradise her poem “Being a Woman”. (rcs)

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