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«He has 40 million and he still hasn’t spent a cent»

«He has 40 million and he still hasn’t spent a cent»
«He has 40 million and he still hasn’t spent a cent»

He promotes, with a “more than positive” the work of the reconstruction commissioner, General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, less so that of the mayors: “We would like many local administrators to make less controversy and act more”. Just to name names, the mayor and president of the Province of Ravenna, Michele De Pascale, “to date has not spent a cent of the funds that were given net of the emergency sum” after the flood, “I believe it is 40 million between the Municipality and the Province: it is strange to hear the mayors say ‘money, money, money’, when they have 40 million available and do not spend a cent”. This is the ‘pebble’ that the deputy minister of Transport and Infrastructure Galeazzo Bignami (Fdi) took out of his shoe speaking today in Ravenna at the Civic Forum. The problem of the difficulty in spending the money for the reconstruction lies in the difficulty, complained of by the administrators, of not having technicians to plan the interventions. “So I want to be clear: the Government had asked Bonaccini, through Figliuolo, to make available the personnel who were engaged in the earthquake because he says that”, for the reconstruction of the 2012 earthquake, “they have already done everything in record time and are very good. So since you still have 180 people already trained”, why not employ them in the post-flood? It was up to Bonaccini, as earthquake commissioner, to decide and he “answered no: this forces the Government to hire 219 technicians”, says Bignami. Which however also makes him say that if on the one hand Bonaccini claims that everything was rebuilt for the earthquake, and on the other hand he does not grant the technicians and invokes the super bonus for the crater, and then “it means that not everything is closed. In any case (for the flood, ed.) we want to take less than the 12 years that it took for the earthquake” in Emilia.

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