Last day of the protected market, what changes for the bill. And there is a scam alert

Last day of the protected market, what changes for the bill. And there is a scam alert
Last day of the protected market, what changes for the bill. And there is a scam alert

Rome, 29 June 2024 – Tomorrow will be the last day of the protected market for electricity. Thousands of users, “vulnerable” excluded, will migrate to market of gradual protections. But what should be done? What changes for them bills? And there are those who warn against the risk of a surge in scams.


End of the protected market

From July 1st 3.7 million users which today are in the protected market (an end established by law) will pass to the regime gradual protections. It will happen automatically for those who have not chosen to switch to the free market. The so-called “vulnerable”.

Learn more:

Electricity and gas bills: what is the protected market, what is the free market. And what happens now

The market with gradual protections

Those who do not fall into the vulnerable category and have not chosen to move to the free market from Monday 1 July 2024 will move to the market of gradual protections. A condition that will allow to obtain “discounted prices” for the next 3 years. Whoever switches to the gradual protection market could change manager based on who won the contracts week at a territorial level (check who is the manager of your area).

The situation

Of the approximately 30.2 million domestic users:

  • 22.7 million are now served in the free market.
  • 7.5 million remained or returned to the Greater protection (3.8 million vulnerable customers who will continue with the protected market and 3.7 million non-vulnerable customers who will move to the gradual protection service).

Who are the vulnerable

Per i vulnerableas mentioned, will remain in the protected market. But who I am?:

  • The over 75
  • i disabled
  • closed electromedical devices
  • who lives above non-interconnected islands
  • it’s a person indigent and maybe receives the social good

Last hours to return to protected status

Those who have switched to the free market still have time 24 ore to return to the protected person and then benefit in the case of gradual protection for 3 years or remain there if he is “vulnerable”.

What is worth it

“The new electricity tariffs that will come into effect on the protected market from 1 July further highlight the advantage that 4.5 million users would have in switching to the new Gradual Protection regime”. Assoutenti states this, commenting on the tariff increase of +12% ordered by Arera for the next quarter. ”Despite the tensions on the energy front and the heavy increase decided by the Authority, electricity tariffs on protected market will result in the next quarter more low 5% compared to the same period in 2023, and even 45.4% lower than in 2022, with a lower expenditure equal to -509 euros per year per family compared to two years ago”, explains the honorary president and energy manager of Assoutenti, Furio Truzzi. ”It is undeniable, however, that the new tariff increases must push vulnerable users to move, from next July 1st, to the Gradual Protection Service, taking advantage of the savings offered by the new regime and the possibility approved yesterday by the Government and Parliament to migrate to gradual protections through a simple phone call to Arera Consumer Help Desk”.

Learn more:

Fourteenth pensioners 2024, when it arrives and who is entitled to it: the figures

The risk of scams

With the end of the protected electricity market, prices are increasing at a worrying rate incorrect practicesaggressive or actual behavior scams to the detriment of users in the door-to-door sales sector of electricity and gas supply contracts and in the teleselling sector. This was reported by the utility managers association, Assium. “In the last period we have recorded a significant increase in cases of people who, with devious techniques, try to obtain theaccess into consumers’ homes or steal personal information via phone calls for illicit commercial purposes. The concern is that, with the end of protection, these phenomena could expand disproportionately”, explained Assium president Federico Bevilacqua in a note.

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