Campiello Prize, meeting with the five finalists tonight in Teramo –

Campiello Prize, meeting with the five finalists tonight in Teramo –
Campiello Prize, meeting with the five finalists tonight in Teramo –

TERAMO – The meeting with the five finalist authors of the sixty-second edition of the Prize will be held this evening, at 9 pm, in Piazza Sant’Anna, in Teramo: Antonio Franchini “The fire you carry inside you” (Marsilio), Federica Manzon “Alma” (Feltrinelli), Michele Mari “Locus desperatus” (Einaudi), Vanni Santoni “It spreads everywhere” (Laterza) and Emanuele Trevi “The House of the Magician” (Ponte alle Grazie). The event, moderated by the journalist and writer Monica Big furis promoted by the Ballone Foundation in collaboration with the Il Campiello Foundation – Confindustria Veneto and the Campiello Prize, with the patronage of the City of Teramo.

“It is a source of great pride for us – declares Augustine Big ballpresident of the Bruno Ballone Foundation – promote a large-scale cultural event. After a year’s break, the Campiello prize returns to Abruzzo with the presence of the five finalists: a unique event which, I hope, will be repeated in the future on the basis of the vocation of our Foundation: the valorisation of the territory and culture”.

The winner of the sixty-second edition of the Campiello Prize will be proclaimed on Saturday 21 September at the La Fenice theater in Venice, selected by the vote of the jury of three hundred anonymous readers. “Over the years, Campiello has always been able to renew itself, embracing innovation and sustainability, as evidenced by the first report on the positive impact of the Award on our country – underlined Enrico Carraro, President of the Il Campiello Foundation?Confindustria Veneto -. The Award, more than a simple competition, is a real ongoing project that develops throughout the year through initiatives and events, also thanks to numerous collaborations”.

From the story of Angela, a woman who emblematically embodies the horrors of Italy, to the story of the return to Trieste, which reopens the world of memories for Alma, passing through the desperate journey in search of the ultimate meaning we give to what we possess, to arrive at a novel that investigates the origin and manifestations of a singular phenomenon such as street art and to Mario Trevi, the author’s father, famous and reserved psychoanalyst, magician healer of souls: different narratives and themes come to life on a stage, that of Campiello, among the most prestigious on the national scene.

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