Meeting dedicated to Tenco on Sunday in Cella Monte

MONTE CELL – “Lontano lontano”. With this title, which recalls one of the timeless songs of Italian pop music, Enrico de Angelis and Enrico Deregibus have made their own the cover declination that titles their latest literary effort dedicated to Luigi Tenco published by Il Saggiatore, which will be presented on Sunday 30 June at 9 pm at Palazzo Volta.

Four hundred and forty pages that collect letters, stories and interviews, partly unpublished, of the multi-instrumentalist from Alessandria, who, in his just 28 years of life, contributed strongly to revolutionizing Italian songwriting, introducing a style full of social themes, ideals and thickness.

The volume, finished printing in January this year, collects school essays, letters, diaries, drafts of stories and screenplays, as well as interviews and Tenco’s last statements during the 1967 Sanremo Festival. A truly impossible autobiography , that of the story of his life, his thoughts, his emotions and his encounters through his own voice.

From the work of research, reading and writing, a profile and character emerge that is certainly well-known, but even more so. The authors were, in fact, able to grasp new aspects of a more intimate Tenco, intransigent and curious at the same time, but also ironic.

Of almost every phase of his short life, Tenco left a trace, a text and/or a statement, allowing a look beyond the appearances of rebelliousness and melancholy, which have long identified him.

“This work allows us to get to know, up close and in his evolution, a creative figure full of desires, non-conformist and ahead of his time, humble and at the same time aware of the power of words and songs. The portrait of one of the greatest singer-songwriters in the history of Italy, in his most sincere essence” comments the president of the Ecomuseo della Pietra da Cantoni Corrado Calvo.

Dialogue with the journalist Chiara Cane will be the native of Balzole Deregibus who, in addition to being a writer, journalist and artistic director/consultant of various musical and cultural events, is considered the biographer of Francesco De Gregori, on whom he has published various books. Co-author of the book is de Angelis, also a journalist, song historian and cultural operator, active since 1972, and artistic director of the Club Tenco in Sanremo for twenty years.

Initiative promoted by the Municipality of Cella Monte, within the “Libriamoci nel Borgo” exhibition. Free admission.

Subsequently, on Sunday 7 July, as part of the third edition of “Ecomusei Palcoscenico Naturale”, promoted by Piemonte dal Vivo, in synergy with the Piedmont Region and Abbonamento Musei, together with the Piedmont Ecomusei Network, the concert “Ginevra Di Marco canta Luigi Tenco”. Appointment at 5.30 pm in the courtyard of the Ecomuseo della Pietra da Cantoni. Ticket €10.

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