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Toti case: sparks in the regional council over the president-councillors meeting in the Ameglia house

Toti case: sparks in the regional council over the president-councillors meeting in the Ameglia house
Toti case: sparks in the regional council over the president-councillors meeting in the Ameglia house

In the afternoon session of the Regional Council, the debate took place on the communications released during the morning session by the interim president Alessandro Piana regarding the meeting that took place yesterday, together with the councillors Giacomo Giampedrone And Marco Scajolawith the president of the council Giovanni Totiwho is under house arrest following the investigation by the Genoa public prosecutor’s office.

Ferruccio Sansa (List Ferruccio Sansa president) declared that the council would no longer have legitimacy and credibility and that, therefore, it cannot continue its work and that it would be appropriate to return to the vote. Furthermore, the councilor objected that the issues addressed in yesterday’s meeting were not of a political nature, but of an administrative nature as issues were also discussed, among which he cited the health budget and the Vado regasification terminal. Roberto Arboscello (Pd-Article One) focused his speech on the project to locate the regasification terminal in Vado, which was also discussed in yesterday’s meeting, and recalled the statements made on several occasions by President Toti in favor of the plant and he recalled his assumed role as commissioner and the absence of prior discussion with the local area on the project. Arboscello added that, after yesterday’s meeting, the Region intends, however, to distance itself from the role of commissioner. Luca Garibaldi (Pd-Article One) noted that, compared to a month ago, the council’s position had changed. According to the councillor, in fact, in the last twenty days the situation has changed as the executive has supported the opposite of what has been supported up to now with respect to the project of the regasification terminal in the sea in front of Vado Ligure and which the council itself has admitted that there is a heavy deficit in the health budget. Gianni Pastorino (Linea Condivisa) cited some aspects that he considered worrying: the absence of the political referent, i.e. the president of the council Giovanni Toti, in the fundamental choices and future development prospects of the Region. The councilor mentioned the floating regasification terminal project in the Savona sea and the difficult financial situation of the Ligurian healthcare system, which emerged in yesterday’s meeting, and the future prospects with respect to the functions of ALiSa. Roberto Centi (List Ferruccio Sansa president) underlined the difficult and uncertain climate in which the Regional Council finds itself and reiterated the need for the resignation of the president of the council Giovanni Toti. The councilor highlighted the difficulties of his role, declaring that many citizens also ask to continue representing the requests that emerge from the territory. Centi also underlined the absence of some political forces in yesterday’s meeting between the three councilors and Giovanni Toti. Paolo Ugolini (Mov5Stelle) noted that there would be a contradiction between what was declared in the chamber this morning by the interim president Alessandro Piana, i.e. that the meeting with president Toti was of a purely political and not administrative nature, and when declared yesterday in the press conference by the councilors at the end of the summit, as on that occasion administrative issues such as the regasification terminal project and the financial situation of the healthcare system were also addressed. Fabio Tosi (Mov5Stelle) declared that the current situation would certify that, without the figure of president Giovanni Toti, the council would not be able to move forward as the 9 years of administration would demonstrate that he was the only person capable of keeping the majority together , also thanks to the long and intense work of communication. According to Tosi, finally, there would be significant image damage for Liguria. Davide Natale (Pd-Article One) declared that the majority is experiencing a day of great embarrassment and noted that there would be a split in the center right as the reference councilors of the Brothers of Italy were missing from yesterday’s meeting. Furthermore, according to the councilor, yesterday’s meeting was not, however, of a political nature because we talked about healthcare, the budget, the Ligurian economy and the project for the floating regasifier. Sergio Rossetti (Misto-Action Group) hypothesized that the majority is becoming confused and that there is a difficulty in understanding, again on the part of the majority, which position to take regarding the project of the regasification terminal in the sea in front of Vado Ligure. The councilor also criticized the budget policies implemented by the council with respect to healthcare management, the decrease in services provided to citizens and the increase in passive mobility.

Angelo Vaccarezza (Forza Italia) reiterated the cohesion of the centre-right majority, declared that a debate on the meeting was not necessary and argued that this was an opportunity to reiterate the minority’s opposition to the project to locate the regasification terminal in Vado Ligurian. On this project, the councilor supported the need to do further in-depth information to understand the issue in detail on which, therefore, the territory will be able to express itself in an informed way. Sonia Viale (Lega Liguria-Salvini) declared that the opposition already has all the tools to know the direction of the administration and reiterated that yesterday’s meeting had a process outside the institutional context and was an opportunity given to Giovanni Toti, who is at the height of his political abilities. The councilor recalled that the measures, scheduled today and postponed for the debate on Piana’s communications, had been presented by the minority itself. Claudio Muzio (FI) criticized the minority’s handling of the matter as it blocked all the initiatives, agendas and motions that the opposition itself had presented and which were not dealt with today because, again at the request of the minority groups, a debate was developed on yesterday’s meeting between president Giovanni Toti and three councilors of the council. Muzio recalled that that meeting was, moreover, authorized by the preliminary investigation judge. Veronica Russo (FdI) reiterated that the majority is cohesive and added that the interim president yesterday represented the entire junta and the entire center-right coalition of the Legislative Assembly. The councilor added that the administrative cycle will end within the scheduled time. Russo announced his vote against the resolution presented by the minority which asks for the cancellation of the regasification terminal project in Vado Ligure. Alessandro Bozzano (Let’s change with Toti as president) explained the Severino law and noted that Giovanni Toti, although suspended, is still in office. The councilor responded to the hypotheses put forward by some minority councilors about a split within the centre-right coalition by replying that the opposition would have been displaced by the united reaction of the majority around the president of the council Giovanni Toti.

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