Elections, Schlein wins: “Because I put my face to it”. A little “melonization” doesn’t hurt…

Bari. Elly Schlein, 39 years old, concludes the electoral campaign in the Apulian capital. Source: Ipa – Dillingernews.it

Giorgia Meloni drafts, Ignazio La Russa whines to change the electoral laws, Elly Schlein achieves the first, real great success of her mandate as leader of the Democratic Party. According to his explanation, “because I put my face to it”; more subtly, we would say, because he has “melonized” his communication strategy

Schlein’s “wide field” project works: it was already partly understood in Sardinia, both at the regional elections in February and at the European Championships. In fact, in Cagliari the new mayor is the dem Massimo Zedda, who already passed the first round.

Even in the run-offs, the counting of ballots rewards the centre-left. Between the first and second rounds the “wide field” won in six out of six regional capitals. Yesterday he wrested Perugia, Potenza and Vibo Valentia from the centre-right, two weeks ago he did the same in Pavia, as well as in Cagliari. The capitals called to the polls were 29. The starting picture was this: 13 cities led by the centre-left, 12 by the centre-right, two by mayors of the 5 Star Movement and then Avellino with its first town expressing a civic list and Sassari with a mayor civic. Now the situation has changed: 17 provincial capitals are led by the centre-left, 10 by the centre-right, while in Avellino the outgoing civic mayor was confirmed and in Verbania a civic mayor also won.

Elly Schlein savors the taste of revenge especially in the Apulian capital. «The best victory, the one that excites me the most is Bari», he rejoices at the headquarters of the Nazarene. “There they moved heaven and earth to demonstrate that we were a party of scoundrels, but I put my face to it anyway, and I did well, we won and the right, after all those accusations and mystifications, lost.”


The leader of the Democratic Party immediately closes ranks and calls her allies to their duty. «The cities have rejected the governing right and sent a clear message to Giorgia Meloni. We must build a credible alternative, enough with divisions, also because it has been seen that they don’t pay».

Conte is there

Giuseppe Conte he assures that the 5 Stars will avoid reprisals or revenge like the plague: “We also want to work to build the alternative to Meloni.” Schlein still has to deal with internal opposition and for this reason he insists on keeping the starboard rudder steady: «We have shown that there is a new way of doing politics. There are many meeting points. We must all feel the responsibility of trying to create an alternative capable of defeating a right that is hurting the country».

He pushed for the center-left to get to the elections this time after two weeks of united mobilizations. In the Chamber, against differentiated autonomy, in the Senate against the prime ministership. “Of course, we must admit that Meloni and his government, by insisting on these two reforms, have given us a hand”, claims a Democratic leader.

The leader of the 5Star Movement Giuseppe Conte, 59 years old – Source: Ipa – Dillingernews.it

The analysis of the vote

On the columns of The Republicthe expert Ilvo Diamonds delves deeply into the dynamics of this suffrage, underlining a trend that was already clear to former president Ciampi twenty years ago. That is, Italians prefer the local dimension to the national one and feel greater belonging to democracy by voting for mayors or governors than for top political leaders.

Below, the sociologist’s editorial.

“In recent days, votes have been taken to renew the administration of over 200 municipalities, including 29 capital cities. The first data to consider goes beyond the vote. Parties and coalitions. Literally. Because electoral participation stopped below 48%. About 15 points less than in the first round. The vote preferred by voters, therefore, was confirmed as “not voting”. The vote of those who don’t vote. Out of dis-interest, necessity. Or, more simply, by conscious choice. To distance themselves from the remaining candidates. And (or) to mark one’s detachment from the outlined scenario. Which, in the runoffs, is “significant”. Because “it gives meaning to not voting”.

On the other hand, the link between citizens and institutions has weakened over the years. Even at a territorial level. The parties now have few relationships with the cities. Where relationships resist and still exist because “the administrations” have a known and re-recognized face. Expressed, in fact, by the “administrators”. The mayors, first and foremost.

The overall look at the results outlines a success of the “broad” Center Left. And obvious. Above all, where it presents itself as an ally with other “Civic and Left” forces. Especially with the M5S. In municipalities with more than 15 thousand inhabitants it establishes itself – and therefore governs – in 111 municipalities. Previously there were 102. The Center Right remains stable. He governed in 81 municipalities. Now in one less. The difference, therefore, is made by the “wide field”. The alliance with the M5S. Especially in the Central South and the South. Where the M5S has deeper roots. And the Center Left has strengthened.

The Center Right, in turn, confirms itself as more solid in the North, as per tradition. Less in the other Regions. Especially due to the decline of the League.

But the Center Left’s “Campo largo” proves to be particularly strong – and is growing stronger – especially in the capital municipalities. Confirming a known trend. Because it has become, for some time now, the political reference of the “historic centres”. Of the small and medium bourgeoisie. While it has weakened in the suburbs. And in the “small towns” of the province. In particular, in the Central-North Regions. Which were once defined as “red”. While now they are, at most, “pink”.

Furthermore, we observe a permanence of the “civic” lists, which reflect the activity and presence of groups and associations in the local area. Even if they show a notable degree of “mobility”. Without precise and shared guidelines. Because their experience induces those who are part of it and guides them to seek other “landings”. To strengthen and consolidate their role. Their presence in institutions.

The image that emerges from this Map of Local Governments confirms a fragmented geography. Differentiated. And, therefore, “fluid”. Everywhere. In every area of ​​the country. And it evokes a reflection proposed, about 20 years ago, by Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, then President of the Republic. Italy, Ciampi stated, is a “country of regions and cities”. A «country of countries». Different from each other, but not distant. Because what unites Italy are its differences.

Well, this is precisely the problem and, at the same time, the objective of those who act in this country. And he intends to govern it. Make diversity, on a social and territorial level, not a reason for division and conflict. But of unity. Collaboration. Because there are many and different Italys. And this must be a reason for collaboration. Of identity. Because in Italy different economies, different cultural traditions, different territorial definitions co-exist. Furthermore, the personalization of politics appears particularly important, at regional and city levels. Since the Governors and Mayors are directly elected. And they give a face and a name to local realities. They constitute, in some way, a form of “presidentialization”. In a country where, as happens everywhere, there is a growing demand for “direct” relationships (and elections…) towards those who lead the country. And the countries.

For these reasons, the geography outlined by the local elections that have taken place in many Italian cities in recent weeks is important. And it must constitute a reason for recognition and identity for citizens. Not just at a local level. But national. And beyond. Because Italy is one and, at the same time, “many”. And it offers “many” reasons for attraction. To quote a film by Paolo Sorrentino, it is a land where Great Beauty is widespread.”

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