Do you have a business and live in Lazio? There are 40 million euros available for energy saving and renewables

Do you have a business and live in Lazio? There are 40 million euros available for energy saving and renewables
Do you have a business and live in Lazio? There are 40 million euros available for energy saving and renewables

The Lazio Region is making available a tender with funding of up to 40 million euros to support energy efficiency actions and renewable energy production for businesses. The projects that can participate in the tender must not amount to less than 150 thousand euros with a maximum contribution of 2 million euros. There is no maximum limit on the value of the project and the contribution relating to investments for the production of energy from renewable sources cannot exceed 50% of the total financeable for the entire project.

Are you an entrepreneur or a businesswoman? Do you live in Lazio? This news is for you!

A tender has arrived with a fund of 40 million euros available to support projects for energy saving and for the production of energy from renewable sources by companies.

Business energy transition is a crucial process in the context of the current climate crisis and global economic pressures to reduce carbon emissions and adopt more sustainable practices. But often the desire of entrepreneurs to take the path of cleaner energy production clashes with economic possibilities.

The “Energy Efficiency and Renewables for Business” measure of the Lazio Region was presented a few days ago in Rome and draws on resources from the ERDF 2021-2027 program (European Regional Development Fund) and the contributions will be non-repayable.

The projects that can participate in the tender must not amount to less than 150 thousand euros with a maximum contribution of 2 million euros. There is no cap on the value of the project and the contribution relating to investments in the production of energy from renewable sources cannot exceed 50% of the total financeable amount for the entire project.

An excellent tool for investing in the construction of photovoltaic and wind systems and in general in the renewables available to the area, but also in the energy efficiency of production processes and buildings, and in monitoring systems to optimize the use of energy.

Companies will be able to submit the application to access the fund online, via Lazio Innova’s GeCoWEB Plus platform. There’s time until 16 September 2024, to prepare the proposal since this is the day you will be able to submit your application. Speed ​​is everything: resources will be distributed until they run out.

A good signal from the Lazio Region to encourage the sustainability of businesses and make them increasingly competitive.

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Source: Lazio Region

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