A Young Student of 15 Years Old Involved in the Car Explosion in Ardea

A Young Student of 15 Years Old Involved in the Car Explosion in Ardea
A Young Student of 15 Years Old Involved in the Car Explosion in Ardea

Intimidation among young people

In recent weeks, in via Trieste ad Ardea, an explosion occurred which damaged a car parked near a house. Behind this intimidating act, i Carabinieri they identified a fifteen-year-old boy, a student, who was reported to the Juvenile Prosecutor’s Office on charges of damage and serious threats. It seems that the young man acted following disagreements with the son of the couple who owned the car, with whom he had a friendly relationship in the past which then deteriorated.

The intervention of the police forces

It all happened on June 16, when i Carabinieri they were alerted to the explosion which occurred late in the evening. The owner’s car, parked near his residence, was damaged along with the household utility meters. The investigations began immediately afterwards and brought to light important evidence against the minor, including the testimony of people who saw him flee on a scooter shortly after the explosion.

The Complaint from the Car Owners

The owners of the damaged car have filed a formal complaint with the Carabinieri Of Ardeaindicating the young student’s involvement in the facts. It would seem that the cause of the explosion was precisely the unstable situation between the two boys, which led the fifteen-year-old to make such a serious gesture. It emerged that the explosion was caused by an explosive device placed under the vehicle of the couple, whose breadwinner is a security guard.


  • In the text of the article various characters and key elements are mentioned that we can delve into:

1. Ardea: Ardea is a city located in the Lazio region, Italy. It is located south of Rome, in the province of Rome. It is a place known for its historical importance, as it has been inhabited since ancient times. Today it is a small city that has undergone significant population growth in recent decades.

2. Carabinieri: The Carabinieri are an Italian military police force. They are responsible for public order, security and law enforcement in Italy. They are one of the best known and most respected police forces in the country.

3. Minors: Reference is made to a fifteen year old involved in the intimidating act. In Italy, a minor is an individual who is under 18 years old. Actions committed by minors are subject to specific laws and regulations that take into account their age and criminal liability.

4. Intimidation among young people: The article talks about an act of intimidation between two young people, with serious consequences such as damage and threats. This highlights how relational dynamics between young people can lead to negative and illegal behaviour, often linked to unresolved personal conflicts or communication difficulties.

5. Car explosion: The text refers to an explosion that occurred due to an explosive device placed under a couple’s car. This episode represents a serious criminal act which damaged not only the means of transport but also private property, putting the safety of the people involved at risk.

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NEXT the Government is studying ad hoc measures, we cannot go on like this