Moon in Aquarius, critical issues for Scorpio (2nd half)

L’Horoscope of the day is ready to reveal the zodiac predictions for Monday 24 June. To enjoy potentially lucky astral influences, on this first day of the week, three signs, chosen in the second sextuplet zodiac under analysis in this context. First of all will be Aquarius, at the top of the day thanks to the entry of the Moon into the sign. Excellent Monday also for Libra and Sagittarius, rated equally with five stars in the ranking.

Astrological predictions for June 24, the horoscope from Libra to Sagittarius

Balance: ★★★★★. Excellent first day of the week for many natives. In love, you will see everything pink with fragrant dreams ready to come true. The mind will be positive, optimistic towards people, things and situations. Romantic and poetic, you will experience an idyllic day with your loved one. Single, you have no reason to doubt: the declarations of respect and loyalty you will receive will be genuine. This day will be balanced, rewarding for affectionate relationships, thanks also to the help of a caring friendship. At work, with a little good will, you could resolve an outstanding issue or resume a fairly important business negotiation.

Scorpio: ★★. The start of the week is expected to be quite critical. Many of you could get carried away by daily vicissitudes, starting futile and potentially dangerous discussions. If this happens, expect plenty of stress and nervousness, peppered with the affected person’s anger. Monday’s forecast, regarding love, invites us to maintain detachment from risky situations. Difficulties may arise in completing the routine: take small reflective breaks. Single, by intelligently navigating critical situations, you will be able to avoid making a fool of yourself. Given the underperforming sky, caution is advised in everything you do. At work, equip yourself with tenacity, remaining firm in your positions.

Sagittarius: ★★★★★. The horoscope for June 24 predicts a very effective Monday, positive beyond expectations. In love, the prospect of a journey will fill you with enthusiasm: ready to plan an exclusive and exciting itinerary? If your life as a couple is already fulfilling, the stars promise you an exceptional evening together with your partner. Single, the Moon in Aquarius will instill confidence and help you defuse some complicated situations. You will be willing to listen and help those in need, demonstrating great empathy. At work, the stars will offer you positive opportunities for some of your aspirations. Thanks to determination and intuition, you will be able to carry out ambitious projects.

Horoscope and stars for June 24th, predictions from Capricorn to Pisces

Capricorn: ★★★★. Stable day, characterized by a normal good routine. In fact, Monday will be a positive day for many of you, especially in the emotional/sentimental field. The stars will make you bright and full of interesting ideas. Don’t miss any opportunity: the chances of success are fair. As a couple, the sentimental situation is evolving: avoid taking anything for granted and don’t make long-term plans. Single, abandon yourself to love without hesitation or taboos! An old friendship could evolve into something important. At work, do some checks before making challenging decisions.

Planetary influences will cheer you up: you are on the right path.

Acquarium: ‘top of the day’. Moon in your sign and lots of positivity in love. Monday will therefore be a day dedicated to love and sincere feelings. A stroke of luck could guide you, finding alternative and exciting ways to satisfy your partner or revive a shaky relationship. Sentimentally, you will be full of positive energy, transmitting vitality to the relationship. You will encourage your partner’s participation in your life plans, obtaining valuable advice. The stars predict stimulating influences, such as to unleash a lot of good imagination. Single, trust your feelings: they will guide you in making the best decisions.

A trip will allow you to have fun and recharge your energy. At work, you will be able to respond to the request for renewal, proposing innovative solutions. Compliments!

Fish: ★★★★. The horoscope for Monday 24 Juneor, takes into account the possibility of living a discreet period. However, the day, albeit with some hidden risks, will certainly be positive overall. The forecasts indicate a fluctuating trend in pairs, with a good start that could then fade in the central and final part. However, the sentimental side in general will not be affected much: you may receive good news or a surprise from your partner, with small moments of joy. Single, prepare a meeting with friends for the weekend; Being in company will help you put any problems on the back burner. At work, learn to plan ahead to get what you want.

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