Latiano: The city becomes, for one day, the branch office of the Moroccan Consulate in Naples

Today, Saturday 22 June, the city of Latiano hosts the branch office of the Consulate of Naples of Ragno del Marocco.

The event is organized by the ANNASR Association, with President Fatna El Fidaoui, and represents an important moment for all citizens of Moroccan origin residing in Puglia.

Citizens residing in all the provinces of the region from Lecce to Bari have arrived in Latiano. It is an opportunity that has been repeated for 3 years and represents a facilitation for all Moroccan citizens who, otherwise, would have had to go to the headquarters in Naples.

Present throughout the day (from 09:00 to 14:00), Khalil Mohamed, Consul General of the Kingdom of Morocco, Consulate of Naples, for the issuing of useful documents for Moroccan citizens, also for the return to Morocco on the occasion of ‘summer.

“We are pleased to be present in Latiano – said the Consul – and thanks to the Municipal Administration for their willingness to welcome us in the premises of the civic library of Palazzo Imperiali. We are sure that this type of “Mobile Consulate” participates even more in the integration of Moroccan citizens who are already well integrated into the local fabric. The objective of this consulate, which is part of a strategy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Morocco, is to bring consular practices closer to the community and maintain ties between citizens, administration and community members. We hope that together, the Moroccan authorities, the Consulate and the Italian authorities will participate in greater facilitation of integration”.

Gabriele Argentieri, President of the City Council of Latiano, also spoke about integration. “Latiano becomes, for one day, a branch office of the Moroccan Consulate in Naples, and the Administration willingly offers hospitality to these initiatives which take place in the wake of the twinning signed with the Moroccan community several years ago, also as part of a of real integration of citizens. Also because Latiano has hosted, for years, a large, rooted and well-integrated Moroccan community. These events make Latiano a point of reference for the entire region. Indeed, a concrete service is offered to citizens for the processing of bureaucratic-administrative procedures for which the alternative is to go directly to Naples. We are proud of this hospitality, we do it willingly, they are periodic events and we also greatly appreciate the approach of the Moroccan state towards its citizens in Italy, aimed at integration with the Italian community and on the other hand, not to lose the roots with the Moroccan community of origin. We are convinced that there is only one identity approach, we are citizens of the world and this can be achieved with a view to integration if everyone maintains their own sensitivities, also from a religious as well as cultural point of view, and this can lead to enrichment reciprocal”.

In addition to the release of the documents, a civil wedding was also celebrated in the Gilberto De Nitto Civic Library, which hosted officials from Naples for the entire day.

Fatna El Fidaoui, the President of the ANNASR Association who was responsible for organizing everything, was also satisfied with the result of the day. “We are happy, as an association, to organize these days in which the Consulate of Naples reaches Latiano, to deliver the documents, passport, identity card to the Moroccan citizens who have requested them. It is an opportunity to bring together people who come from all the provinces of the region. We have been doing this for three years, thanks to the Municipal Administration of Latiano and the Mayor Cosimo Maiorano who have always shown great sensitivity and availability for these initiatives”.

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