ex Cinema Grandinetti, urgent remediation

ex Cinema Grandinetti, urgent remediation
ex Cinema Grandinetti, urgent remediation

Degradation emergency: critical situation at the former Cinema Grandinetti, urgent remediation, cleaning and safety of the entire area

Press release

There are numerous reports regarding the neglect and degradation that have long afflicted the building of the former Cinema Grandinetti, located near Piazza Cinque Dicembre in the heart of the former Municipality of Sambiase.

Despite repeated requests for intervention made to the municipal administration of Lamezia, both by the undersigned and directly by the citizens, these appeals have been sadly ignored and left unanswered.

As time went by, the situation worsened further: the area surrounding the building became a receptacle for waste, abandonment, bivouacs and acts of vandalism.

The courtyard of the former Cinema, being accessible, open and never controlled, has facilitated the accumulation of waste of all kinds, configuring a real time bomb. The situation has become unsustainable in the last weeks of intense heat, when the mountain of waste causes a nauseating smell, polluting the air and constituting a serious risk for public health.

The risk of fire has increased dramatically, given the urban centrality of the property, which represents a greater danger to the entire surrounding community. A fire in this area could have devastating consequences, given the proximity to residential and commercial buildings.

Furthermore, the doors of the building are often left open, allowing free access to anyone. This lack of control only makes the situation worse, further encouraging degradation and potential vandalism.

The time has come to act: it is essential to clean up, reclaim and secure the area, putting an end to a degradation that has persisted for too long. We can no longer afford to wait: the administration must intervene immediately to restore an area that has been abandoned to itself for years.

Finally, the inclusion of the former Cinema Grandinetti in the PON Metro Plus financing plan, the result of collaboration with local associations, is not sufficient at the moment. Before the funding arrives and the work begins, dozens of months will pass.

The cleaning, remediation and safety intervention must be carried out immediately.

Antonio Lorena, PhD
City Councilor
Brothers of Italy, Lamezia Terme

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