Calabria is proud of the Fuoco pilot: Straface compliments him and Minò welcomes him to Palazzo Venneri

Calabria is proud of the Fuoco pilot: Straface compliments him and Minò welcomes him to Palazzo Venneri
Calabria is proud of the Fuoco pilot: Straface compliments him and Minò welcomes him to Palazzo Venneri

CARIATI – «The whole of Calabria, together obviously with his hometown, can say they are proud of the important victory achieved by the very young driver from Cariatese Antonio Fuoco who in recent days, driving the Ferrari 499P number 50, triumphed in F.1 in Monaco and he won the 24 Hours of Le Mans, an endurance motoring race that takes place annually at the Circuit de la Sarthe and among those currently underway, the oldest in the World Endurance Championship.”

This is what he stated Pasqualina Strafacepresident and of the Third Commission on Health, Social, Cultural and Educational Activities of the Regional Council, congratulating the young champion and all those, his family first and foremost, who have followed him, helped and encouraged him since he was a child in this passion and tenacity which today have become a example w a source of pride for everyone.

«What is even stronger – he continues – is, in fact, the message that the entire path of growth and sacrifices that characterized Antonio Fuoco’s original personal story manages to convey to entire generations: there are no shortcuts to obtain results best, to achieve the most authentic satisfactions and to share them with the same humility – concludes Straface – wishing him every further success – which our appreciated Calabrian champion demonstrates on every occasion with respect to such important victories”.

The municipal administration of his city, Cariati, also joined in the celebrations for his success, welcoming him to Palazzo Venneri. Mayor Cataldo Minò, the council and numerous supporters were present at the press conference.

«It’s a victory for everyone – Fuoco told reporters. For me, for the Ferrari team, for the team, but above all for the Calabrian population. It’s a victory that I dedicate to my dad who unfortunately is no longer here.” «It is an honor – he added – to carry the name of Cariati and Calabria around the world and I am always happy to return here to my land, to my friends and family. It’s my place, where I relax, where I come back every time I face a big challenge. This is where I recharge my energy, this is where I was the days before the race of Le Mans.”

And then the emotions of the race that at 28 years old took him to the top of the world: «The last lap of the race Le Mans it lasted 3 minutes and 50 seconds during which I relived all the sacrifices made to reach that goal, thinking of my family and those close to me.” Finally, encouragement to young people: “Never give up and always believe in yourself, don’t give up in the face of difficulties because sacrifices are always rewarded.”

Mayor Cataldo Minò expressed his full appreciation to the driver, already leaving for a race in America and projected towards the next world championship: «I am proud to have Antonio as our fellow citizen because he embodies our reality, a reality of simple and hard-working people . He represents a redemption of our land, the son that everyone would like.” In the month of August, the mayor then reiterated, a great celebration of the people, loudly acclaimed from many quarters, will welcome the champion of Le Mans.

At the end of the conference, gifts were exchanged. On behalf of the entire population, Mayor Minò gave the Municipality pennant to Antonio Fuoco and the champion reciprocated with the t-shirt worn before the victory at Le Mans on which he wrote a dedication that contains all the humility of someone who, despite the amazing success, continues to remain with his feet on the ground: «For the Municipality and all the people of Cariati, thank you for everything.”

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