Mornago council, for Tamborini the team that wins cannot be changed

Mornago council, for Tamborini the team that wins cannot be changed
Mornago council, for Tamborini the team that wins cannot be changed

MORNAGO – «The enthusiasm for the great result obtained, which confirmed that already achieved in 2014 and 2019makes us proud and gives us credit for how much good we have done but at the same time burdens us with responsibility to achieve everything we promised in the electoral campaign with particular attention to young people, families and the elderly in terms of services and infrastructure». As announced today, Wednesday 19 June, the mayor Davide Tamborini he named the new council of the Municipality of Mornago: we start again from where we left off without changes. The names have been fully confirmed and remain unchanged since 2014.

The councilors

«Maurizio Bigarella maintains the department of Social Services, social and youth policies and personal services in addition to the role of deputy mayor (already held in the five-year period 2014-2019) while Massimiliano Gusella will continue to expertly deal with the budget and taxes.” Fifty percent female on the council was also reconfirmed: «Giovanna Bea he will once again be councilor for Culture, education, family and relations with the parish while Simona Romano will hold the Department of Communication, Library and Digital Transition”.

Delegations to councillors

Tamborini remained faithful to what he declared during the electoral campaign, carving out a role for each councilor: «Moving on to the delegate councilors, we find the name of Luigi Giotta in the role of group leader of Viviamo Mornago and delegate to Civil Protection, local police, associations and sport; Luciano Caruggi will instead deal with the protection of the heritage and territory of Mornago, Matteo Pettenuzzo will hold the position of delegate to the waste management consortium Coinger, Ecology, environment and energy transition; In the end Cristiano Marcolli will be delegated to Commerce and urban decoration”.

The first interventions to be “grounded”

The administration led by the civic list of Viviamo Mornago, in the wake of what has been done so far, is ready to work for the next five years. This proposal is already defined the date of the first municipal council: the meeting is set for Friday 21 June at 9pmweather permitting, to the new amphitheater of Piazza Giovanni XXIII in Vinagor; in case of bad weather at the council hall in via Marconi 9. «Among the first interventions to be “grounded” is the design of the new nursery of which we are the recipients of Pnrr funds for 672 thousand eurosthe beginning of the works of Piazza Fratelli Bandiera in Crugnola, the completion of sidewalk between the gym and the town of Crugnola and the redevelopment works of municipal sports center».

«Infrastructure and social cohesion»: Davide Tamborini’s priorities for Mornago

mornago tamborini team arrives – MALPENSA24
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