The note and the weapon: Claudio Graziano, Fincantieri president, found dead

The note and the weapon: Claudio Graziano, Fincantieri president, found dead
The note and the weapon: Claudio Graziano, Fincantieri president, found dead

The president of Fincantieri, Claudio Graziano, was found dead this morning in his home. The investigations are still ongoing but according to the first indiscretions, reported by the newspaper The paper, the most probable hypothesis would be that of suicide. However, no hypothesis is currently ruled out. The police, the magistrate on duty and the medical examiner were on site. The general was found this morning at 9.50 by an agent of his escort, who was in possession of the second key to the apartment. It was he who raised the alarm. Graziano was on his bed where there were also a ticket and a weapon, with which he allegedly fired a shot during the night.

Even the president Sergio Mattarella wanted to remember the former general: “I express deep sorrow at the news of the sudden passing of General Claudio Graziano“. The Head of State then added: “I remember him as a generous and loyal man of institutions, capable of always putting his competence and professionalism at the service of the Republic, qualities demonstrated in the important national and international top roles he held during his long career.“. “I am shocked by the news“, commented Giorgia Meloni. “An upright servant of the State leaves us, who throughout his life honored the Nation, the Armed Forces and the Institutions with dedication, competence and professionalism. I would like to extend, on my behalf and that of the entire Government, my condolences and closeness to his family and loved ones.“, concludes the prime minister.

Born in 1953, Graziano spent most of his working life in the Army, where he reached top roles. Chief of Defense Staff from 2015 to 2018 and then president of European Union Military Committee until 2022, in anticipation of the expiry of his mandate, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti indicated him on 20 April 2022 as the new president of Fincantieri. He lived in Rome and this is where his body was found. Following the disclosure of the news, Fincantieri issued a press release in which it expressed “immense pain for the sudden passing of General Claudio Graziano, president of the Group, which leaves a large and unbridgeable void“. The CEO and general manager Pierroberto Folgierothe Board of Directors, the Board of Statutory Auditors, the managers and all the employees of Fincantieri remember with emotion his extraordinary human and professional qualities.

The passing of General Claudio Graziano leaves me speechless. He was a friend and was an extraordinary officer who brought honor to Italy even in his European roles. May a prayer accompany him on the journey to reach his bride“, declared the Foreign Minister, Antonio Tajani. Words of discouragement also come from the President of the Senate, Ignazio La Russawho defines it as “a valiant servant of the State who held very important roles in national and international institutions, obtaining well-deserved successes and recognition everywhere“. Then, La Russa adds in his note: “laudio was a true friend with whom I was lucky enough to be able to work as Minister of Defense and who I also frequented in the following years together with his beloved Marisa. To his loved ones, my personal condolences and those of the Senate of the Republic

I am dismayed and shocked after hearing the news of the death of General Claudio Graziano. I had the honor of appreciating his extraordinary military and management skills“, are the words of the Forza Italia deputy and vice-president of the Chamber, Giorgio Mulè. The honorable member then added: “Above all, I remember the man, the affable and ironic person, the trait of elegance and respect that distinguished him. General Graziano formed and forged a generation of soldiers: they call them ‘General Graziano’s boys’ and represent his best legacy due to their ability and love for their country“.

Deeply saddened by the death of General Claudio Graziano. I remember him with friendship and with the highest esteem for his work in the service of the State. May the earth be light on him“, were the words of Lorenzo Guerini, former Minister of Defense. Also the General Francesco Figliuolo he wanted to leave his thoughts: “I am saddened by the passing of General Graziano, a man of the institutions, an upright servant of the Republic, formerly my Chief of Defense Staff when I held the position of Chief of the General Office, my personal friend“. And then he added: “He always knew how to put himself on the line, representing our country right up until the end in the highest international forums. I appreciated his great love for the Armed Forces, the strong impulse towards the centrality of Italy in international missions abroad, but also every effort aimed at creating a European Defense“. And he then concluded: ““His passing leaves a deep sense of sadness for all of us.

On behalf of the Joint Forces Operational Command and my staff, I express the feelings of deepest condolences to all his dearest loved ones and to the Fincantieri family”. Following the death of its president, the title of Fincantieri came to pass almost 3% per Milan Stock Exchange.

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