European elections, Tajani: “The European People’s Party won, we must take this into account”

European elections, Tajani: “The European People’s Party won, we must take this into account”
European elections, Tajani: “The European People’s Party won, we must take this into account”

The European People’s Party (EPP) won the EU elections and this must be taken into account. The Foreign Minister and secretary of Forza Italia said this Antonio Tajani in an interview with “Corriere della Sera” observing that the road “is still long” but already well defined, at least in terms of requests. Forza Italia is an essential part of an EPP which must have “broad representation” after the victory on 9 June, while the Italian government forcefully calls for “a heavy portfolio and a vice-president of the Commission”. Starting today, with the first EPP meeting preceding the European Council, the blue leader is ready to fight in Brussels on multiple fronts. In Italy he has an equally clear horizon: working “for a great political project that brings together the moderates, that reaches 20 percent, that represents the home of the Italians”. Today the EPP is holding its first meeting to take stock of the alliances, tasks and weights of the next Union. Tajani explained the position with which his party presents itself: “Meanwhile, with the position of those who obtained a great result in the European elections, it is today the third Italian party together with the SVP, and is precisely part of the European family that won the elections and which must reclaim its spaces”. It means in concrete terms that “it will be necessary to take into account the new European situation and the results obtained by the individual groups. The EPP won, the socialists did not win, the liberals had difficulties. This must be taken into account when assigning tasks, both at the level of states and of European institutional roles and the international framework. The EPP must be held in high regard by top leaders.”

Even the right, some at least, have had a great result, like Le Pen: “But they have too many differences with us popular people. I hope we can reach an alliance between popular, conservative and liberal people, but we are only at the beginning of a journey, we need to take into account overall balances”. That is, a new agreement with the socialists to elect the next Commission is not ruled out: “To date nothing can be ruled out. We will start to think about it now, at the level of European families and of course also of governments.” As for the prime minister Giorgia Meloni, the German chancellor Olaf Scholz he says it is ‘extreme right’: “That it is a right-wing party is a fact, but that it is too right-wing or far-right is not true. Meloni is head of the conservatives, a historic political family that has already held positions and roles in Europe. Only Id remained outside. And the fact that there is a central force like ours in the government makes the Italian government and the Prime Minister stronger.” The name of is also mentioned for the European Council Enrico Letta, given that it will be the socialists’ turn: “For us in the EPP it certainly has an important profile, also because it comes from the Christian Democratic tradition. But I really think it’s premature to name names. Surely, like Italy, we will ask for a powerful commissioner and a vice president. Italy deserves a central role”, concluded Tajani.

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