Cyclist saved by fire brigade helicopter

Cyclist saved by fire brigade helicopter
Cyclist saved by fire brigade helicopter

At approximately 11.20 am, the Fire Brigade Operations Team received an emergency call regarding an injured cyclist on Path no. 318 in Palombara Sabina, in the Palombara Pratone area.

The situation required immediate and highly specialized intervention, since the cyclist, following a fall, was in a condition that prevented him from getting up, despite being conscious. Immediately, a Fire Brigade Team (VVF) was sent to the scene. ) accompanied by the Alpine Fluvial Speleo unit (Saf), a unit specialized in rescue operations in harsh environments.

The operation was further supported by the Drago VF 159 helicopter, equipped with the necessary equipment for a rapid and safe intervention. Once the indicated area was reached, the VVF personnel worked quickly to exactly locate the point of the accident. The remote location and rugged terrain made search and recovery operations particularly complex.

However, thanks to the coordination between the units on the ground and the helicopter crew, the cyclist was identified quickly. The operators of the Fire Brigade, experts in mountain rescue, provided first aid to the cyclist, stabilizing and preparing him for transportation. After strapping him with a spinal stretcher, a crucial operation to avoid further trauma, the cyclist was lifted safely using the winch of the Drago VF 159 helicopter.

During the lifting operation, an air rescuer remained at the injured person’s side to ensure maximum safety and stability.

Once on board the helicopter, the cyclist was quickly airlifted to hospital, where he received the necessary medical treatment. The effectiveness and speed of the intervention once again underlined the professionalism and dedication of the rescue teams, who operate every day in difficult conditions to guarantee the safety and well-being of citizens.

The operation concluded successfully, demonstrating the importance of prompt response and collaboration between the different emergency units. Thanks to the timely and coordinated intervention of the Fire Brigade and the Saf unit, the cyclist was able to receive the care he urgently needed.

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