tourist rentals; Mariano Di Gioia (Filcams Cgil) expresses concern, “what social model does this Administration want to build for the City?”. – Centralitalia News

tourist rentals; Mariano Di Gioia (Filcams Cgil) expresses concern, “what social model does this Administration want to build for the City?”. – Centralitalia News
tourist rentals; Mariano Di Gioia (Filcams Cgil) expresses concern, “what social model does this Administration want to build for the City?”. – Centralitalia News

“Regarding the press articles relating to the data released by the Municipality of Siena, which highlights the ‘boom’ in tourist rentals, we cannot help but be worried”. Thus Mariano Di Gioia (photo), new General Secretary of the provincial Filcams CGIL. “First of all, it would be important to explain what ‘non-hotel structure’ means, because we would not want within the same cauldron – he specified – there to be structures managed at a corporate level with structures managed at a non-entrepreneurial family level. Because the exponential and uncontrolled growth of tourist rentals does not create quality tourism, does not distribute resources to workers, penalizes operators who are on the market correctly and only gives profit to those who own those properties. And we are surprised how Councilor Giunti, in one of her statements – continued the trade unionist – is only and exclusively concerned with the emergence of the undeclared economy, and obviously we can only agree with her, but not with the unjustified increase in private rentals for tourist use, which contributes to the depopulation of the historic center and the unjustified growth of rental prices, for example for young couples or even worse for those seasonal workers who are often forced to live several kilometers from their workplace. The Municipality should instead start a serious discussion on the matter with all the social partners and trade unions, because the relaunch of commercial activities in Siena depends above all on rent control policies”. “It comes naturally to us to ask: but what social model does this Administration want to build for the City? – concluded the Secretary of Filcams Cgil – Perhaps in addition to the economic operators and their representative associations, whose deafening silence on the issue worries us, the time has come for the Council to also listen to those who represent workers in the sector”.

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