“Many good journalists around, right to take over”

The Rai journalist, who is preparing to retire, commented with great candor on the end of her career in public service, adding: “A profession like this cannot be abandoned.”

“I’m retiring. It’s all a bit strange, from today it will be different: I will return to Italy, it is certainly a big change but change can also be positive.” They are words of Giovanna Botterihistorical face of Rai who is preparing to retire after a long career in the state company.

Botteri: “A job like this can also be done in a different way”

The journalist spoke with great candor about this natural transition, underlining the importance of leaving space for colleagues who are younger than her and, precisely with respect to her I return to Italy after years outside our countryBotteri told Adnkronos: “Of course it’s a big leap, I’ve been living abroad for many years now, but that’s life, it’s also right to take over from young people, to pass the baton, there are very good young journalists around. It’s a natural transition.”. The journalist then specified that hers will not be a definitive retirement from work: “But a profession like this cannot be abandoned: we know how to do this and continue to do, like The Player Jones by De André, ‘playing touches you / for your whole life’. It is a path that perhaps can also be followed in a different way.”

The career of Giovanna Botteri

Born in Trieste, the city from which she took her first steps in the world of Rai, Botteri has come to hold very important roles over the years. Botteri you graduated with honors in Philosophy, and then became a professional journalist before starting to pursue the profession seriously. After collaborations with the newspapers Il Piccolo and l’Alto Adige, she landed in Rai in 1985. The first to notice her was Michele Santoro, who brought her into the editorial offices of her programs. Subsequently, Giovanna Botteri became a special correspondent abroad and continued to work, moving between New York, Beijing (where she also recounted the complex months of the pandemic) and Paris. In 2021, Rai recognizes the credit she deserves by inviting her to participate in the Sanremo Festival as a special guest on one of the competition evenings.

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