Accident in Sezze Scalo: two cars with children on board involved

Accident in Sezze Scalo: two cars with children on board involved
Accident in Sezze Scalo: two cars with children on board involved

SEZZE – Yesterday afternoon, a serious accident shook the quiet town of Sezze Scalo, involving two cars coming respectively from via Fontana Acquaviva and via Migliara 45. The impact occurred at the intersection between the two country roads, causing moments of great apprehension for the five children on board the cars.

Three ambulances and a medical car quickly responded to the scene to provide first aid to the injured. According to the initial reconstructions of the Carabinieri of Sezze and Pontinia, a Toyota and an Opel collided for reasons still under investigation.

A woman and two children aged 8 and 10 were traveling on board the Toyota. The woman suffered spinal trauma and was immediately transported to the Fiorini hospital in Terracina, while the two children, although not seriously injured, were transferred to the Santa Maria Goretti in Latina for further checks and treatment. Fortunately, the driver of the Opel and the three children traveling with him remained unharmed, despite the violent impact.

The dynamics of the accident are still under examination by the authorities, who are working to clarify the responsibilities and any violations of traffic regulations. The intersection between via Fontana Acquaviva and via Migliara 45, the scene of the accident, is known to be a critical point, especially due to the poor visibility and the high speed with which these sections of road are often travelled.

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