European Championships 2024, Sinistra Italiana Liguria: “Excellent results, contributed to national success”

European Championships 2024, Sinistra Italiana Liguria: “Excellent results, contributed to national success”
European Championships 2024, Sinistra Italiana Liguria: “Excellent results, contributed to national success”

Genoa. We receive and publish from Sinistra Italiana Liguria – Alleanza Verdi Sinistra.

“The post-AVS vote is full of satisfaction for the results obtained in Italy but also in Liguria.
There is the joy of having contributed with tens of thousands of preferences to the recent release of Ilaria Salis and to the popular recognition of the values ​​and correctness of Mimmo Lucano, AVS MEP and mayor of Riace.

There is also confidence due to the excellent response in terms of preferences achieved by Simona Cosso who was the first in Liguria after the national candidacies.

These successes strengthen the political profile of AVS in view of the Regional elections which the Ligurian management group hopes will be convened as soon as possible, especially after the denial by the Genoese GIP of the request for the revocation of Toti’s precautionary measure. AVS is pushing for the progressive area to speed up the timetable for the regional elections.

Simona Cosso, regional secretary of SI Genova, observes: “Strengthened by the boost that the result of the European elections has given to the progressive alliance, it is necessary, without hesitation, to relaunch a common position, starting from the progressive nucleus of the European elections (PD, 5stars and AVS,) on the contents of the program and on the definition of the political path from here to the regional ones.”

In this process, an important political point to address is the relationship with the civic lists of the progressive area.

Gabriella Branca, councilor for Savona and President of the National Assembly of SI, declares: “Without detracting from the importance and role played by the civic lists, we believe that the fundamental axis of the alliance is constituted by the political subjects who have a national because the many unresolved issues in Liguria require, in order to be addressed, a strong response that reaches across regional borders: starting from economic and social objectives to environmental ones, which can only be in line with the principles of the 2030 Agenda developing an overall and exhaustive mandate strategy. The need to represent the feasibility and consistency of the alternative to the right in public opinion with coordinated action by national political subjects is now undeniable.”

Carla Nattero, regional secretary of the Italian Left, concludes: “AVS is not an ephemeral phenomenon, it is not a marketing product nor a simple political container. It is a new, federated political project, with clear and radical contents on all issues: from peace, to work, to school, to the climate, to rights, to healthcare. It is a proposal from the Left, which has also been embodied in representative figures such as Ilaria Salis and Mimmo Lucano and has a positive future ahead of it as demonstrated by the fact that 16% of young people under 30 voted for it in Liguria. In the growth path of AVS in Liguria we will do everything to respect and multiply these characteristics, to highlight the political profile of AVS. From this perspective, which is political and programmatic, we will undertake to define with clear rules the relationships with the civic lists that want to approach us.”

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