Sabbadini: “Only the fight against inequalities wins against the right”. Boeri and the drama of wages in Italy

BOLOGNA – Can we believe in an inclusive Europe that guarantees rights? For equality for all, even rainbow families? A Europe capable of integrating migrants and not rejecting them? These are the questions that are at the center of the meeting “Inclusion, which recipes for Europe” with Tito Boeri And Linda Laura Sabbadinimoderated by Annalisa Cuzzocrea.

«Objective number one – says the statistic – must be the reduction of inequalities, this is how, even in Europe, the rise of the far right is fought. This is the only way to hope for a positive future, despite the context of war both in Ukraine and in the Middle East. Every piece of inequality is one less piece for democracy. The flag of Europe must continue to fly high.”



The issue of poverty in Italy enters the debate, especially among young people who have low wages, precariousness and high unemployment. «The loss of purchasing power – adds the economist – low wages, especially those of workers who were already penalised, are the real issue. Today we should pay attention to this, but national collective bargaining is unable to keep up with the times. In Italy we have a very serious wage problem.” What to do? “On the one hand we need a minimum hourly wage that must be valid for all workers, on the other we need to review the bargaining rules because today it doesn’t work.” Inflation is also in the spotlight, which in Italy, unlike elsewhere, has not been recovered in any way, “national contracts are unable to cover all workers”.

For Sabbadini, then, the female employment rate is dramatic, where Italy wears the black shirt in Europe, placing itself in last place with just over 50%. «Nothing has been done for female employment, we have never equipped ourselves with an adequate strategy, because these policies are seen as an expense and not

as an investment. Therefore, it is useless to flaunt so many words as is happening. The gender issue is an absolute priority here in Italy as in Europe.”




The right to health for all, migrants increasingly to be integrated considering our demographic winter, the bonuses that have burdened the state coffers enter the conversation on inclusiveness. With a final warning from Tito Boeri, addressed to the world of information: «We are in a country where there is little culture of statistical data, which is instead fundamental, paying attention to the numbers serves to attack the lies of the political counterpart» .

The latest European elections also enter into Linda Laura Sabbadini’s reasoning. «For the centre-left it is time for redemption. Among the unemployed, according to Ipsos, 70% did not vote. And among the workers around 60% avoided the polls. This is very important because, despite the change already implemented by Elly Schlein, it means that there is still plenty of space ahead of us. This can also be seen in the growth of the Democratic Party in the South where the Five Star Movement has lost towards abstentionism. In short, there is plenty of room for a broad and progressive grouping if we continue to pursue a policy that starts from the needs and rights of citizens.”

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