At 17 he becomes a phenomenon and takes Italy: he scores from 30 meters and signs a sensational Scudetto

The most envied girl in Italy is called Carolina. It seemed like an evening like any other: sofa and popcorn, friends and Dazn. The usual football match. Then the lights go off 8.47pmthe time “x”. Ahanor he goes up to the left, raises his head and passes. Venturino he checks, moves it to the right and remembers that he is extraordinary. He tries from a sidereal distance, about thirty meters. Speaks the first expert: «See how he takes it from the outside? I think she looked for it». Speaks the second expert: «The goalkeeper could have done much more». Speaks the third expert: «He bounced badly, the ball stays low and misleads him». So they talk the facts: the ball is in the net, Genoa is ahead. Good or bad matters the right. Finally they speak pictures, the ones that Carolina will never forget. Why what Lorenzo Venturino does? 18 years old next June 22nd, Genoese native and talented… every synonym for “sensational” is worth it. «Hey Siri…». In an instant he seems to become aware of what he has done, in the space of a few seconds drop everything and leave. He runs quickly under the east stand, the one of the «Genoa, Genoa, Genoa», raise your arms to the sky and shows a heart. No AC Milan fan is crying, they probably just got a Alexandre Pato in the eyes. He does it in favor of the cameras, practically in front of half of Italy. It was for Carolinahis girlfriend: “My dedication is to her».


More shaken That movedmore unaware That aware. It was 10.30pm, minute more minute less. Shortly before Stefano Arata had raised it to the skyunder the eyes of half of Italy and helped by mother Elisa. Shortly after, a party would start that, no, probably won’t have an end. Between a Unleashed advice (that photo with the cup?), a Iconic MavrajZolo photo») and a return journey that… nothing, what happens on the bus stays on the bus.

So shaken, partly for the mix of emotions and partly for many, too many other things. So unaware, simply because it will take time. A bit to find meaning in something that apparently doesn’t have a meaning. And a bit to give the right weight to a medal, that of Italian champions. When he returns to Genoa he will have just a couple of stories to tell…


It should start from semi-final against Inter, from those 120 sci-fi, unreal minutes. Various assist (technique), a pole resounding (bad luck), one goal amazing (inspiration) and many, many kilometres (Heart). It would be good and right to stay away from Milan at least for a few months. Like Gennaro Ruotolo, like his leader. But at this point the visit to the Colosseum with Carolina will also have to be postponed. It was the reason for Roma’s sleepless nights: first to study it (or at least try), then to forget it (or at least try). So there is also his hand in the various ones headache in the Giallorossi homeask Matteo Obleac and Philip Real. Ruotolo made a virtue of necessity (Carbone out, disqualified), inserting Sancinito fifth on the right and raising Venturino on the same line as Romano. The rest is history.

And the various experts, in chorus: «But what game did Venturino play?». A mantra for 90 minutes. From dawn to dusk, from those gallops on the right («When he leaves you don’t take him…») until that shot with Romano, the two heroes in the night in Ancona. It can be said with absolute determination that yes, there are pairs of talents that are just a tad worse… In the middle, obviously, his heart for his Carolina.



He already speaks like a veteran. It starts clearly with the relevant phrases: «We won an important match, it wasn’t easy. The route was excellent, we deserved it». Short and concise. He then closes with the quotation mark that is worth more than anything, the one from the title: «I want to stay here forever, I love Genoa». In the middle ground the most important key to understanding: «Winning the Scudetto with this group is priceless». Whose word he “left” it in the winter to fly in the spring (15 appearances), according to those who consider him as a family: «We have been together since we were children, always us. It’s beautiful».

Born in Genoagrows to Genoa and who knows, maybe he will live forever Genoa. He took his first steps in Arenzano, just a couple of kilometers west of the Ligurian capital. He was five years old, more than a clean-shaven man. Then the call from Genoa rossoblù, therefore a marriage of which there is a beginning but no, no end at all. Other? A lot, too much. Other chapters are in print, stay tuned…

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