Weekend weather forecast Liguria and Genoa 15 16 17 June

The forecasts from 3BMeteo experts for the weekend between Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th June 2024, with the trend also for Monday 17th June. The period of variability continues.

Liguria weather forecast Friday 14 June 2024

In Genoa, mostly partly cloudy skies, with progressively increasing clouds from the afternoon associated with light rain, temperatures between 18 and 21°C. Similar situation on the rest of Liguria, scattered clouds alternating with clearings both to the east and west on the coast; light rains from the afternoon inland.

Liguria weather forecast Saturday 15 June 2024

Saturday 15 June 2024 is a mostly cloudy day in Genoa: scattered clouds in the morning, clearings and a tendency to large clearings in the evening, with temperatures between 19 and 23°C. On the rest of Liguria: on the western Riviera, a mostly cloudy day, except for the presence of scattered clouds in the morning; in the east skies initially slightly or partially cloudy but with increasing cloud cover starting from the afternoon; in the Alps scattered clouds alternating with sunny spells throughout the day; On the Apennines, a day with variable weather, with more clearing during the afternoon.

Liguria weather forecast Sunday 16 June 2024

Sunday 16 June was a day with variable weather, with more sunny spells during the afternoon in Genoa, temperatures between 18 and 24°C. Scattered clouds alternating with clearings also in the west on the coast; in the east and on the Apennines, a mostly cloudy day, except for the presence of scattered clouds in the morning; gray day in the Alps with mostly very cloudy or overcast skies, but with the absence of significant phenomena.

Liguria weather forecast Monday 17 June 2024

Monday 17 June in Genoa was a mostly sunny day, except for the presence of scattered clouds in the morning, temperatures between 19 and 24°C. In the rest of Liguria the situation is similar both on the coast and inland.

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