10 bilaterals for peace. Francis will see Biden, Zelensky among others

And the first time of a Pope at the G7: this afternoon many eyes will be on Francesco, expected at Borgo Egnazia to bring his message of peace. The Pontiff was invited by the Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who will welcome him upon his arrival at the summit, to talk about artificial intelligence but for him it will be an opportunity to weave that together canvas of relationships that can lead to a path of peace.

Not just Ukraine and Palestine
Pope Francis’ concern is for Israel and the conflict between Israel and Palestine, for Ukraine but also for conflicts that are not on the front pages of newspapers, such as the one in Myanmar.


Myanmar, air attack in the Kanbalu district of the Sagaing region


Police officer in Myanmar

The 10 bilateral meetings with the “big names” of the world
The Pope meets the world’s leaders to see if we can move on to the language of diplomacy and multilateralism. For this reason he will have ten bilateral meetings, nine with Heads of State plus the one with Kristalina Georgievamanaging director of the International Monetary Fund.

Kristalina Georgieva, Director General of the International Monetary Fund (ApPhoto)

Kristalina Georgieva, Director General of the International Monetary Fund

This will be the first among the face-to-face ones and no less important than the others for a Dad That for ten years he has been calling for finance at the service of man, and above all of the poorest on earth.

Biden, Zelensky
Peace will be at the forefront of all meetings, starting with the one planned with US President Joe Biden. But the Pope will also see Volodymyr again Zelenskyeven after the various misunderstandings that have occurred with Kiev.

Ukraine, also in the last Angelus
Bergoglio think of that “tortured people” who “suffer more and yearn for peace”, as he said in last Sunday’s Angelus.
Among the central meetings in the search for interlocutors who can contribute to the cause of peace, there is the one with the Turkish Recep Tayyp Erdogan. He will then see Emmanuel Macronthe French president who instead pushes for greater European involvement in the defense, and therefore also in the conflict, of Ukraine.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan GettyImages

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

The meeting with Modi, Indian president
An interesting face-to-face will also be the one with Indian President Narendra Ways. Linked by important economic interests to MoscowIndia is also looking at Kiev because international instability compromises everyone, including the growth of this great Asian country. And it is expected that Modi will renew the invitation to the Pope to visit his country, as he had already done in the meeting in the Vatican three years ago.

Narendra Modi, Joe Biden, Volodymyr Zelensky, Pope Francis GettyImages/ApPhoto

Narendra Modi, Joe Biden, Volodymyr Zelensky, Pope Francis

All others bilateral
The Pope will also have bilateral talks with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau; with William Samoei Ruto, President of Kenya; Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, President of Brazil; Abdelmadjid Tebboune, President of Algeria.

AI at the center of the Pope’s latest message for peace
As for the Pope’s speech, the topic will be artificial intelligence and the need to set limits, what the Vatican calls “algorithmic“, to avoid the growth of poverty and inequalities. But AI is also at the center of the Pope’s latest Message for peace. “The most advanced technical applications should not be used to facilitate the violent resolution of conflicts, but to pave the paths of peace”, was the Pope’s warning.

Pope Francis, Angelus Rainews

Pope Francis, Angelus

Pope francesco AP

Pope francesco

In the end the abortion issue which is currently animating the work of the G7. It is possible that Pope Francis will make a passage in his speech to reiterate his ‘no’ to the “throwaway culture”. As for the absence of the topic in the document, it is Francesco Lollobrigida, one of the ministers closest to Giorgia Meloni, who clarified the possible motivation that was already circulating behind the scenes: “I don’t know if it would be appropriate for a G7 in which the Pope also participates” .

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