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Parliament, dispute in the Senate during the vote on the prime ministership. More tensions in the Chamber. VIDEO

The tension in the halls of Parliament does not decrease. After what happened yesterday between the deputies Leonardo Donno (M5s) and Igor Iezzi (Lega), today in the Chamber there is still a fight over the rejection of the opposition’s proposal to change the term “unrest” in the minutes of the session to “aggression against the MP Donno”. At Palazzo Madama however – during the vote on the amendments to the premiership – the opposition senators waved the Tricolor in the Chamber and in response their colleagues from the majority sang the Mameli Anthem: the session was suspended until early afternoon. “It doesn’t matter whose fault it is but what I underline is that, instead of trying to show Italy in these days aware of its role and its importance, with the necessary differences”, while the G7 is there “we are giving a worse image than the one we normally give. He seems like a harakiri to me”, commented the president of the Senate Ignazio La Russa.

What happened in the Senate

At Palazzo Madama, tension began to rise during the voting on the amendments to the elective prime ministership, due to time constraints. When there were about a hundred votes left, the opposition groups ran out of time, but the president on duty, Gianmarco Centinaio, still allowed an additional minute for declarations. Centinaio then interrupted PD deputy Dario Parrina who was exceeding the minute mark: “Senator, your time is up, the minute I’m granting is precisely a concession.” Then the group leader of the League Massimiliano Romeo intervened, inviting the opposition “not to hold back”, given that the group leaders had agreed that the final vote on the bill would still take place next Tuesday, a statement in turn contested by the M5s group leader, Stefano Patuanelli: “The declaration of vote is not a concession, it is our right, and we take it.” After interventions with increasingly altered tones, the opposition senators waved the Tricolor and in response the majority senators sang the Mameli Hymn. Furthermore, the senators of the opposition groups occupied the government benches, preventing the resumption of work and voting. On this occasion, M5S senator Pietro Lorefice, with the Chamber session suspended, went up to the presidential bench and sat down. The clerks approached to make him get off but he didn’t want to listen to reason, “clinging more and more to the chair”. In the end, after quite a while, the group leaders Stefano Patuanelli and Francesco Boccia intervened to make him desist from the enterprise.

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Casellati also sings the Mameli Hymn

The reform minister Maria Elisabetta Casellati was also among the protagonists of the uproar in the Senate chamber when the opposition senators displayed the Tricolors. The minister – from what can be seen in the videos shot by some opposition senators – was sitting at the government benches when the protest began. The opposition senators, in addition to holding large sheets of paper (A3) with the tricolor in their hands, threw some into the chamber. The minister got up and picked one up, then returning to her seat and exposing it herself. When the centre-right senators sang Mameli’s anthem, the minister joined the chorus. At this point, a sales assistant approached who also took the Tricolore from Casellati, but the M5s senator Marco Croatti in turn positioned himself behind the minister, holding it high to prevent the clerks from taking it away from him.

The resumption of voting

When the session began again, Alessandra Maiorino explained that the senators of the M5S and various opposition groups agreed to interrupt the occupation of the Chamber and the government benches if there was universal condemnation of the violence that occurred yesterday at Chamber: “Work cannot resume – he added – until there are words of firm condemnation of the unprecedented violence towards a deputy already blocked by the clerks, squad violence”. At this point Lucio Malan, group leader of FdI, spoke: “It is obvious that we all condemn all violent gestures, including the violent acts that occurred in the Chamber. In the Chamber there is a presidency office that will take appropriate measures towards those he behaved incorrectly – he added, however, addressing Maiorino – the right way to ask for justice is not to carry out acts against the rules”, such as occupying the courtroom. Francesco Verducci of the Democratic Party expressed words of “appreciation for Malan’s clear words”. The vote on the amendments then resumed.

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What happened in the House

Even in Montecitorio the session was suspended until early afternoon. After the rejection of the proposal to change the minutes, the opposition began to shout “Shame”. The Democratic Party with Federico Fornaro then asked for a vote on the entire minutes which passed by 41 votes. “This is worse than Mubarak’s niece,” someone shouted from the opposition benches at the majority. At this point the vice president on duty, Sergio Costa (M5s) signed the minutes. “Don’t sign!” someone shouted at him from the minority benches. Previously Costa had highlighted that “the presidency signs on the basis of the request of the House”. Subsequently, more shouts and chants from the opposition who also sang Bella Ciao after the M5s deputy Ricciardi attacked the number two of the Crippa League who allegedly said that the song is worse than the Decima. After the suspension of the Chamber, the chant “Fascists out of Parliament” was heard.

Brawl between deputies in the chamber.  Rome, 12 June 2024 ANSA/MASSIMO PERCOSSI

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Brawl in the Chamber, Donno hit on the head: taken away in a wheelchair VIDEO

No reconciliation between Donno and Iezzi

Meanwhile this morning the deputies Leonardo Donno (M5s) and Igor Iezzi (Lega), protagonists of a brawl in the Chamber yesterday, confronted each other on L’Aria che tira. When asked if he wanted to apologize to his colleague, Iezzi replied that “not even Calderoli received a demonstration of solidarity from the M5s”. Although at the beginning he says he has “no justification for that attack”, Iezzi then reiterates that “Donno committed an attack against a minister and, if he has a minimum of intellectual honesty, he will admit that I did not hit him. Let us first restore the truth of the facts.” At that point, Donno intervenes: “I apologize to the Italian citizens because there are people like that who represent them too – he said – It’s like if someone goes out on the street with a gun, shoots a person, doesn’t hit them but says ‘I didn’t hit him!'”. When the Five Star MP asks “if there hadn’t been the clerks to protect me, would Iezzi punch me in the face and leave me on the ground? You should be ashamed, they should throw you out of parliament”, the Northern League member responds with “if they weren’t there were the clerks to stop you, would you have attacked Calderoli?

A moment of the fight in the Chamber, Rome, 12 June 2024. A fight between parliamentarians broke out in the Chamber of Deputies during the discussion of differentiated autonomy and the deputy of the Five Star Movement, Leonardo Donno, who was trying to give a flag tricolor to Minister Calderòli, was hit and fell to the ground.  Immediately afterwards he was taken away from the courtroom in a wheelchair.  According to what was reported by Marco Grimaldi of Avs, it was a Northern League member who yanked and hit the five-star Donno, during the uproar of the protests.  ANSA/MASSIMO PERCOSSI

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