Women’s water polo, Olio Raineri Imperia is in the Serie B playoffs – Lavocediimperia.it

Women’s water polo, Olio Raineri Imperia is in the Serie B playoffs – Lavocediimperia.it
Women’s water polo, Olio Raineri Imperia is in the Serie B playoffs – Lavocediimperia.it

Raineri Imperia oil it’s ai playoffs Of B series. This is the verdict that comes from Sori after the beautiful 5-13 victory of the Giallorossi coached by Carla Combto.

The coach herself commented: “It was a difficult match, especially at the beginning. The water was very cold and we are not used to playing outdoors, so the first two halves were very close and, at half-time, we were tied. Then in the second half we loosened up: Accordino, with his long-range shots, and Iazzetta’s counterattacks gave us a big hand. Now we will focus on the Avezzano group”.

Raineri Imperia oil Lombardy will close group 1 with 33 points and will enter the final stages with the second slot available. The Giallorossi, next 6 and 7 July at the Centro Nuoto Italia in Avezzano, will meet the first place in the Lazio group, the second in the Tuscan group and the winner of the play-off between the Venetian and Sicilian teams.

Below, the training and the scoreboard Rari-Girls who defeated Sori Pool Beach 5-13:

Della Valle, Padula, Bergatta, Ruma, Mirabella cap. 2, Iazzetta 2, Frisina 1, Accordino 7, Cerrina 1.

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