Exports from Friuli Venezia Giulia are growing, but only for shipbuilding

Data on exports for the first quarter in Friuli Venezia Giulia.

In the first quarter of 2024 the value of exports from companies in Friuli Venezia Giulia (equal to 4.9 billion euros) showed growth compared to the same period last year (+9.1%, over 400 million more). At a national level, the change was, however, negative (-2.8%); in the North-East only Trentino-Alto Adige recorded an increase (+3.9%), while Veneto and Emilia-Romagna showed negative dynamics (-5.1% and -3% respectively). Also in the first quarter of 2024, there was a decline in the value of our region’s imports (-6.1%); the trade surplus therefore increased (from 1.8 billion euros in the first three months of 2023 to 2.4 billion this year).

The result is conditioned by the shipbuilding industry

The positive result, explains Ires Fvg researcher Alessandro Russo, who reworked Istat data, was determined solely from the performance of shipbuildingcharacterized, as is known, by a high variability of exports over time, which in first quarter of last year had shown a very low value (just 40.1 million euros, compared to almost 1 billion in the first quarter of 2024). Net of this sector the change of regional exports would have been decidedly negative (equal to -12.1%), much worse than the national variation and that of the Northeast as a whole (-2.4%). The main sectors of specialization of the Friuli Venezia Giulia economy, in fact, show a double-digit decrease in foreign sales: metallurgy (-13.4%); instrumental mechanics (-11.8%); furniture (-10.8%). Food and beverage products held steady (+2.9%). As described in terms of sectoral dynamics, it can be noted that only the former province of Gorizia shows a positive resultwhile in the others three divisions go from -10% in Pordenone, to -13% in Trieste and -13.6% in Udine.

Above all, flows towards non-EU countries are increasing

Finally, regarding the geographical destinations of the exports of regional companies, one can be observed sustained growth in flows destined for the non-EU market (+43.6%), in particular towards the United States (+250.5%, a trend essentially connected to the shipbuilding sector). Exchanges with the most important trading partners such as Germany (-19.8%), France (-12.1%), Austria (-20.9%) and the United Kingdom (-16.9%) show clearly negative trends. Always remaining among the main reference countries for our region, only in relation to Poland shows a moderately positive trend (+2.3%), due to the export of steel products.

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