CS – Alassio: installation of a fire prevention tank in Cavia for the prevention of forest fires

CS – Alassio: installation of a fire prevention tank in Cavia for the prevention of forest fires
CS – Alassio: installation of a fire prevention tank in Cavia for the prevention of forest fires

(AGENPARL) – Rome, 10 June 2024

(AGENPARL) – Mon 10 June 2024 Alassio: installation of a fire prevention tank in Cavia for the prevention of forest fires
With a resolution of last June 6, the Municipal Council of Alassio ordered the installation of a storage tank for the prevention of forest fires, which will increase the existing stations, in the hill town of Cavia.
The operation is carried out in collaboration with the “Gente di Cavia” Association, which donates the tank, while the Municipality of Alassio will take care of supporting all the technical and economic costs necessary for the subdivision of the land, the placement of the collection tank and the subsequent transfer of ownership to the Institution, which will allow any issues relating to maintenance to be dealt with later.
“The locality of Cavia – declares the Councilor for Civil Protection of the Municipality of Alassio, Franca Giannotta – was hit hard by a fire about two years ago and appears to be a particularly at risk area. For this reason, our Administration has long tried to find sites that can increase water collection facilities and thanks to the collaboration of the ‘Gente di Cavia’ Association, which works with commitment and dedication for our territory, it has been possible to carry out this important initiative useful for safety”.
Giulia Lazzeri
Press office
Municipality of Alassio

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