Masala sold to Giugliano Pescara for Moretti and Corvi – Sport

Masala sold to Giugliano Pescara for Moretti and Corvi – Sport
Masala sold to Giugliano Pescara for Moretti and Corvi – Sport

PESCARA. Appointment this afternoon in the office of the president of Pescara, Daniele Sebastiani. Face to face with the sports director Daniele sports Daniele Delli Carri. There will be no surprises, because the outcome of the meeting is obvious, reiterated several times by the parties. Delli Carri will receive the green light to start building the Pescara 2024-2025 edition, for the fourth consecutive season at the starting line of the Serie C championship. Green light subject to the outcome of the negotiation for the entry into the company of Rosettano Navarra, but which will in any case allow the white and blue ds to start taking his first steps. We will start with the choice of the coach. Who will have to lead a group that Delli Carri has in mind. He has already outlined and is waiting to build through the signing of the contracts. It will be a different Pescara from the last one. Not revolutionized, but almost. The names for the bench are the usual with Attilio Tesser in pole position. Then, Fabio Caserta. And maybe some names that Delli Carri is keeping hidden. A profile like Chiappella from Giana Erminio, to be clear. A young, good and well-prepared coach ready to emerge. It is clear that Tesser is the name that offers the most guarantees to a fan base in turmoil that on Saturday protested Sebastiani’s management in a procession and that on Thursday, on the occasion of Pescara’s 88th birthday, will return to ask the president to step down.
The market. Pescara have already said goodbye to Mesik and Milani, who will play in Holland. Then, it will be the turn of Luigi Cuppone who is ever closer to Audace Cerignola. The initial request was 300 thousand euros, but the operation can also be done for a lower figure. A basic agreement has already been reached. And then in the list of departures there are the goalkeeper Alessandro Plizzari and the bomber Davide Merola. Two gold nuggets. Pescara will raise money to refinance the cost of next season. The goal will be to play a top championship, it cannot be otherwise for Delfino in Serie C. Speaking of raising money: everything is done for Michele Masala at Valerio Bertotto’s Giugliano. The former offensive winger of Cagliari Primavera, after a complicated first season among the professionals with the Pescara jersey in group B of Lega Pro, will start again from the third division but changing both group, moving from B to C, and region, moving from Abruzzo to Campania, where the 2004-born striker will wear the yellow and blue jersey of Giugliano. Masala made 11 official appearances in the last Lega Pro season (of which 2 as a starter) and 1 assist. He signed a three-year contract, Pescara maintains a percentage of the future resale of 50%. In the notebook of the sporting director Daniele Delli Carri in the last few days, the name of the defender owned by Inter Andrea Moretti has emerged, born in 2002 who in the last seasons played first at Pro Sesto and then at Pro Patria, always in Serie C. Catania likes the boy, but the rossazzurri are not the only ones to have sounded out the waters for Moretti. Pescara and Sampdoria are other clubs that are evaluating the profile of the central defender who recently played as a wingman in the three-man defense in the championship. Inter should opt for a new loan transfer. And Pescara is first in line to take him. Another hot incoming lead is the one that leads on the trail of the Parma goalkeeper Edoardo Corvi, born in 2001.
Sporting director Delli Carri would have put him at the top of the wish list to strengthen the team and aim for yet another year to return to Serie B.

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