Ilaria Salis was elected to the European Parliament: Greens and Left at 6.6%, Bonelli and Fratoianni celebrating

Ilaria Salis was elected to the European Parliament: Greens and Left at 6.6%, Bonelli and Fratoianni celebrating
Ilaria Salis was elected to the European Parliament: Greens and Left at 6.6%, Bonelli and Fratoianni celebrating

OfAndrea Arzilli

The two leaders of the Green and Left Alliance celebrate the result in the European elections with Nichi Vendola in the Rome headquarters: «We have captured the attention of many young people, it is not just the “Salis effect”»

“L’Salis effect it’s there, it’s indisputable.” For those waiting for the outcome of the European elections in the headquarters of the electoral committee AdvOstiense district, a stone’s throw from the Gazometro, the response of the polls that pushes the red-green alliance of Nicola Fratoianni (SI) And Angelo Bonelli (Verdi) to break through the 4% threshold – the one valid for placing representatives in the European Parliament – up to touch 7% (6.83% according to the latest projections of the Interior Ministry data on half of the ballots), bears the name and surname of Ilaria Salis. Name and surname that over 150 thousand Italians wrote on the ballot paper, before putting it in the ballot box.

The results of the European elections, live

«Salis has been an MEP since tonight»

The teacher’s candidacy, a political case after the publication of the photo in court with her chains on wrists and anklesdetained for 14 months in a Hungarian prison before she was granted house arrest to be served in Budapestis read as towing of Avs which for weeks has been focusing on the theme of the “rule of law” and on the leverage of the battle for justice linked to Ilaria Salis, given that the possible seat in Brussels could guarantee her freedom. «Ilaria is one from tonight MEP», rejoices the leader of SI, Nicola Fratoianni. «From here we send you a hug, the battle for the democracy it starts today: it will be even stronger”, adds Bonelli.

Also Nichi Vendola at the electoral committee

A few minutes before the polls closed, the two Avs leaders had arrived at the electoral committee together with Roberto SalisIlaria’s father who, in addition to fighting in the media to free his daughter from prison, had been in prison for months election campaign on his behalf. Shortly thereafter, the president of SI, and Fratoianni’s mentor, was also seen. Nichi Vendola. Atmosphere charged with electricity: behind the cameras the first hugs and even some screams from one almost incredulous joy. Also because Avs started with its lights off: at the 2019 European elections the Alliance was not there, the Greens and the Left (the political entity from which SI was born) took 2.29% and 1.74% respectively. And at the 2022 elections Avs had stopped at 3.6%. Two years (and a Salis case) later, i numbers have almost doubled.

Avs big names on the run

In addition to Salis leaders in the North-West (and second in the Isole constituency behind Leoluca Orlando) the former mayor of Rome would also have worked Ignazio Marinoleader in the Centre, Mimmo Lucano at the top of the list from the South and the councilor from Veneto Cristina Look to the North-East: now they dance 6-7 seats in Brussels and it is these names that are playing for a place in the European Parliament.

One million views on TikTok for Avs, more than anyone else

According to Avs, however, Salis and the big names in the running are not therethe only magnet of votes: «We are sure we have captured theattention of young peoplefor them our battles of social and environmental justice are priorities”, they say from the headquarters, underlining how the red-green program had already received many “likes” on social media. «The Factanza website, widely followed by young people, published on TikTok the party programs — the note from Avs —. Here is the sensational result of Avs who surpassed the million views with almost 47,000 likes.” Everyone behind the other parties. Already a sign.

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June 10, 2024 (changed June 10, 2024 | 07:32)


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