Audiovisual call, 53 applications from Ligurian productions for over 2.4 million contributions

There are 53 productions from the Ligurian audiovisual sector that have applied to access the contributions of the third dedicated regional call. The contribution requests presented to Filse overall exceed 2.4 million euros.

«After the important numbers of the first two editions of the regional tenders dedicated to attracting national and international film companies to Liguria, an equally excellent response arrives from the tender dedicated to the production and development of local audiovisual projects – says the regional councilor at Economical progress Alessio Piana – Thanks to the proposed incentive, which provides for a non-repayable contribution which in some cases can reach 120 thousand euros, 53 local companies are ready to export the image of Liguria in Italy and abroad, in exchange for a requested public contribution of more than 2.4 million. For this reason – adds the councilor – the Liguria Region’s commitment is to refinance the measure, which currently has a lower economic budget, to accompany the economic development of as many audiovisual productions as possible”.

Please note that the tender to support regional audiovisual projects, under action 1.3.4 of the Pr Fesr, had a ceiling of 750 thousand euros (80% for production, 20% for development) and which allowed, from 14 May to 3 June, small and medium-sized Ligurian businesses (single or associated) to request up to 120 thousand euros as a non-refundable grant (to cover max 70% of the investment).

«The 53 applications received are an important symptom of interest on the part of the productions that increasingly animate the regional audiovisual sector, giving impetus to local professional operators and the valorization of the territory – underlines the president of Genova Liguria Film Commission Cristina Bolla – It is proof that our region is demonstrating that it has an edge and that the audiovisual sector has become a real industrial sector to be strengthened and supported.”

The projects eligible for relief included: feature films (minimum duration of 52 minutes), TV series (minimum duration of 90 minutes), web series (lasting more than 50 minutes) and short films (maximum duration 30 minutes) intended for national and international distribution, provided, in the case of the “production” sub-measure, that at least 30% of the filming days are carried out on the territory or, alternatively, that at least 20% of the preventive expenditure is in Liguria.

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